Wednesday, November 28, 2007

i swear i've been feeling queasy in my stomach for the ENTIRE day. and for the whole of tmr too, until 530. aha i feel like a wimp for feeling like that haha but i really can't help it because it is my first time. but after that there's yyxz so i'm really looking forward to that! yay. and i'm highly amused by the stuff the air force and the navy have sent. the former sent a card with a pop-up plane accompanied by the sound of engines roaring, while the latter sent a board game with submarines and what not. hahaha what the hell ah. and i've been sleeping and eating more than usual haha that is bad. but they say nuts have good fats so i've been binging on them which actually will make the good fats become bad i suppose. shrugs! alpha camp come quick i'm really looking forward to it. just one year of joining the camp and it already brings back fond memories (: life's been alot of sleeping and eating and tv so i can't wait, can't wait, for alpha camp to come, and hopefully a job to have after the camp. pray for me pray for me!

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