Friday, June 30, 2006


*reasons to smile! (:
1. i went t0 sch w xiaojie to eat breakfast and actually had a good laugh from breakfast all the way till before the paper started. it's quite cool to like still hang out w a secondary school person like it's the normal thing to do!
2. i ate butterscotch ice cream at swensens, kinder bueno on my way home and lotsa biscuits in front of the tv but i dont think it actually had an effect on me. no bloating, no bulging. one of the rare days! :D
3. secretsecret. teehee (:

*and then.. the reasons to frown ):
1. i screwed my chemistry terms. as usual.
2. i fell down on a pile of bags in front of everyone cos ive super lousy balance.
3. i thought it was my friends talking so i responded and when i turned around to my horror it was another group of people i dont rly know.
4. "like _______ (insert whatever apt noun), they come and go."
5. i gotta like study for math later. bammm.

see ive more reason to complain than to like, smile and get over it!
welcome to life.
i see no reason in looking forward to my birthday laaah.
maybe i should just rest today.
maybe i am just pmsing.
or maybe it's cos i looked at things that were meant to be put away long ago.

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