today's pe only had health talk and height and weight measurement of which the latter was cancelled in the end -.-
charlotte tang suddenly asked me to answer her about some gallstones thing!
stunned me.
oh and the rest of the free time for pe i ate chicken macaroni soup (:
cos i didnt eat breakfast specially for the height and weight thing, and the (very irritating) relief teacher was like.
' need to take height and weight MEH ' goshness i cldnt stand him and i was complaining to bobo the whole while. aurgh.
the rest of the day went by quite dry-ly.
oh during gsc lao shi was absent so i joined tingting and mel.
lysia sat w us too and we talked about random stuff. heehee.
and lysia and i were exchanging glances over smth q funny yet inconvenient to divulge.
teehee. glances do tell alot more than words ((:
after math tingting and i spent 20minutes deliberating over whether we should pon pw or not.
and when the bell rang we knew we'l pon in the end.
and so tingting called boongoon along to pon.
and grace joined boongoon HAHA.
ting boongoon and i went to venezia, grace had to go home cos she was sick.
ate yoggi (: nicenice.
then went to cold storage again!
where boongoon totally embarrassed herself when she happily exclaimed the MANGO tart of some sort was so nice repeatedly when it was PEACH -.-
then okay lahh i went home watched abit of some ch48 show and two episodes of FULLHOUSE.
goshness i think im damn lag. okay i know im damn lag.
but i only realised recently that full house is like, so nice lah.
im officially addicted to dramas of such genre. aaaah (:
okay lah byebye my gateau affairs gna start.
haha. tmr there's squash! (:
thurs there are plentiful free periods to play basket/volleyb!
i suddenly detest studying.
study so much also like no use. haiyoh.
terms are a demoralising bunch.
i miss seeing all the warm smiles around me.
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