Sunday, July 30, 2006

what you're made of.

i came across my prom pictures again and i cringed maaadly.
they were all so ugly x1000000! ):
what a terrible experience i must not look like that for my grad prom again.

legs kinda aching.
cos of yesterday's run.
havent done 2.4k in ages, not to mention 3.2k.
i must aim for 4k one day! haha. soon.

; always on my mind.
hello twin. hellohellohello. i keep having the impression you have an uncontrollable bladder LOL cos we always go toilet together :DD we must have a photo together! someday when i feel like i can do with taking a photo. cos im kinda camera allergic. lol.
you are so skinny! so dont think otherwise kae. and dont overwork yourself kae i was so shocked when you said you were going to run 7k ytd :O i dont see an ounce of fat on you la woman. loved the mini shopping trip as well as sizzler w you around (: your presence really makes a difference. maybe we shall get emo again one day and sing to the windows again! <3
yay. my bestest bestest guyfriend. i think i owe you alotalot. for always being there, for being the gentleman that you are. and for that i'l forgive you for your oinkoink nature. and i will not become anorexic thankyou. and yes if i get fitter i WILL go canoe. but i think my motivation to get fit wont last long hahaha.

if it's not what you're made of.
you're not what im looking for.
you were willing, but unable.
to give me anymore.
there's no way, you're changing.
cos some things will just never be mine.
you're not in love this time.
but it's alright.
/ lucie silvas; what you're made of.

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