i went to juin's cell group for the first time today.
there was another jieying there! teehee.
enjoyed it quite a bit (:
and we're going for cell group dinner next friday!
actually quite looking forward to it.
cos i think juin enli and i are going to marina to shop a little first :D
so i can spend my vouchers then. lol.
i will..
1. do my chem tutorial.
2. read gp package.
3. exercise (haha i bet enli's gna go like. you always say you'l exercise but you end up not exercising)
4. find out what i have to do to juin. they mentioned during cell just now but i forgot.
5. buy shoes.
yes, all by tmr.
i feel really secure in my environment now.
as in.
i feel as if like whatever happens there'l be people who will protect me and help me through the hardest times.
it's a kind of reliance im developing and im not sure if it's a good thing or not.
more of a bad thing, i suppose.
but if there's anything i need most now, it'l have to be this kind of security.
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