cell was quite.. overwhelming today. as in, alot of questions, alot of explanations, analogies, sharing blah. but i had a really short attention span during cell and i kinda just drifted in and out and i couldnt concentrate. oh my, my brain's like degenerating will someone just help. maybe i was just too tired. you should just look at my EYEBAGS ): i realised almost every saturday when juin sends me home after cell (yeah i told you my favourite men in nanhua were all gentlemen!) i'l just start rambling on about things that are always hidden at the corner of my heart; that short distance from laoshi's house to mine is already enough for me to get everything out of my system. for that i cant say how much i appreciate his presence; i think ive grown to treat him like a brother and i wont even mind him stealing like 90% of my food for just listening and comforting and affirming. i just cant thank him enough lah, seriously. he's probably seen me cry (for all the wrong reasons) more than anyone else :/ ah. yes, im stupid i know. so anyways mug hard everyone, wont be back so soon unless ive got smth really important i wna say, like today. it's been a trying week for you and me im sure but we just gotta grit our teeth and bear with it and then games day will come promos will be over and we'l see each other in orientation 2007 again, or maybe only me.

when we were still fifteen.
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