Qixin, thanks for the nice catching up at tcc yesterday. It was an absolute essential after so so long. And it amazes me how we still have the same pet peeves about people, and it just feels different telling you stuff because you know the background information and so much more (: Love you liau. More kopi chilling out!
Oh, and Tzeling brought me my birthday present from LAST YEAR. It's like, Espirit underwear! I was laughing at it. Thank you Addie Puiyin and Tzeling! (:

Class contact time (:

Andrea became a Level 7 PIG! :D

Nerds :D Huizhen's hilarious!


♥ Ting Huizhen Aiyun Mel Cherilyn and our 123456 poses!

♥ Ting, my favourite Venezia and scones girl

Aiyun&Ting, my two favourite girls!

First try.

Second try.

We are twits hahaha.

Trying to catch M&Ms with our mouths :D

My go to school partner! (: And primary school tuition friend :DD

Munting the alien, Wang and Sam (:

Stupid faces (supposedly) but only I looked the part o.o

♥ Before the netball court (:
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