I bought this at SIX because I thought it was so cute that a purse can look like that :D Hahaha.
Today was absolutely fabulous (: Joy was such a joy to be with hahaha :DD Too bad Jessica fell sick so she couldn't join us. We met at Cineleisure at 2.50pm thanks to me being late :/ Hahaha. Oops, but anyway then we went to eat lunch. Actually it was only Joy; I ate at home already. It was Ocean Baked Pasta from Westmall's Pastamania but it was so yucky. What a waste of money. $9.20 you know!! Rahrah. Yepyep. Then it was neoprints (: Took at two different machines! The photo's quite blur because I took it with a camera; my scanner is skrewed. Yeah, I didn't take picts of the other one because.. I didn't.

Okay it doesn't look really nice here but it looks nice in real life! Haha (: Do you see the second pict! It reads 'We wish for... to get thin; to get fat' HAHA. Joy is REALLY skinny while I am REALLY fat. Sigh!
And then after that we went to tcc (: Woo, ordered Latte Mocha again. Or was it Mocha Latte? Shrugs. Anyway, chatted and chatted (: Very nice ambience, nice sofa, nice drink, nice chocolate fudge cake! And I secretly thought the waiter was not bad-looking :X I accidentally dripped coffee into my glass of water and had to ask for a change. Tell me I am not embarrassing. Look at the house I designed! :O

Cute? (YES.) :D
We talked about girls and boys and then we came to the topic sex. HAHA the content was so funny it's nothing dirty where are you people thinking. Just pure, innocent thoughts and some disgusting truth hahaha (: Then Joy suddenly hinted that she felt narcisstic today. Which meant more neos. So once again we headed to the neoprints place :/ We are mad I tell you. Had fun doing stupid poses, but we picked the not so stupid ones of course.

Joy has BEAUTIFUL teeth after her braces have been removed (: And it's her first time taking picts ever since she said byebye to braces! Haha, she has a sweet pretty smile now!

This is not a pretty picture but my point is, I discovered I HAVE A CHIN! As in, it's showing! What a perfect addition to a wonderful day like today. Triumphant :D I always had a saucepan face until yesterday! Hahaha. Shit I am damn retarded.
On a sadder note, I feel quite broke now. As in, really broke. I offered to pay a hundred buckeroos for the bag and pullover that my parents got for me because I felt guilty that they were willing to buy those for me even though they didn't come cheap. And then I burnt about thirty five buckeroos away during today's little trip. The bad news is I still have a chalet and Alpha camp to pay for! But for that I can always ask for money to pay from my mum because.. she knows I will be broke; I don't ask for money when I go out and I don't have pocket money in the holidays. But I don't want to keep asking money from her. So it's Project Budget now! Scrimp and save and grab deals like an aunty! DD:
Okay, shall leave now. Gymming with Enli tomorrow! (: Yeah. But I don't feel like doing 2.4 (Yes it's only 2.4 and I'm already dreading) so I think I shall just do the same old skipping later. Then tomorrow morning I will just hop on the Flabelos machine, do some machines and do some light running. Then it will be cell! :D Tea session again hahaha.
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