The two of my many loves in my life haha. (I sound so fickle) I am happy tonight! Because I've finally figured out where I wanna go in life. And planned which course I wanna take if I ever do make it to the UNIVERSITY. (I'd better) People have been asking, and I never had a real answer nor interest in finding out, until recently when I found myself staring a little longer at those little booths of overseas universities in the walkway. But no, overseas studies cost a bomb and I'm not smart enough for a scholarship! Blah. So anyway my dream course for now will be..
Something along those lines, because I want to go into public relations next time. Qixin will I see you there too? I remembered how we did the career key thing during CME and had almost the same job matchings :DD
Maybe I should start talking to Miss Neeta more during GP so I can slowly become more eloquent and proficient in The English Language! And maybe to Mock Noel, too. He's a stupid shit but he's really good at blabbering English.
GP terms next Monday! SO FASTTTT :O
Maybe I'm not enough, maybe you're just too much.
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