Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Thank God for you all, for making school so bearable.
Had a ball of a time talking to Michelle during squash, about Annabelle and LSE :DD
Discovered that the school's cold beancurd's quite nice!
Not bad I feel a little fitter today, squash is now full of running and receiving faster balls. Beats stagnating at home anyway.
Saw Gina banana and Joshua Leong in school! It feels kinda homey looking at them! Churchies cum juniors (:
I need to do some constructive work now, byebye.
Yay we have cell this week!
Today is Vivian Teh's birthday :D
We're all retarded beyond words.
Margareth came back today! Chatted a little with the sc5 juniors (:
Prayers work wonders.
Apples are probably the healthiest kind of fruit around.
I think it's become a ritual sorta thing, to clear my bowels after doing running during squash. HEH.
So many distractions during squash today. Good and bad. LSE! And some ______.
Noel ate a chocolate strawberry gummy that dropped on the void deck bench unknowingly.
They said Leone is trying to appeal out of RJ that's why he's not in school today. WTH.
My hair's so screweddddd.
Oh my gosh I just realised that I've got an unsealed bag of cornflakes and I think they're probably uncrispy now! ):
I get easily tired nowadays.
Okay I really need to go study before I fall asleep while reading about neurones and nerve impulses.
Did I mention that Saturday there's cell and I'm happy?
Tomorrow is early day (: 110!
This entry is super randomised but I'm too lazy to organise into relevant paragraphs.
I've an essay due on Friday.
Oh and Gabby, yes I do read your daily verses and it IS scary how some seem to strike me so accurately.


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