pearlong! many years of friends, glad that we're still in contact, hope everything's fine for you in schl and all. was nice seeing you more demure finally LOL. and also. hope the birthday dinner was a wonderful one for you. happy happy birthday! hahaha.
jess* sorry! ): i didnt go to your celebration cos i agreed to pearl's prearranged one long ago.
hope you had a wonderful night still, and happy sweet seventeen babe.
today's pe was.. tiring.
heh havent exercised in a long while, that's why.
played captain's ball w sc4 and i think we got owned.
the tallies (ie wilbert jason hongngiap) kept flying around me catching every single ball.
after pe ended we played netball among ourselves.
sir joined us! (:
then we played soccer.
i think i was super tired after everything.
lessons were a drag, everyone was feeling down.
oh well.
didnt understand some parts of lessons but i wasnt in the mood to care.
my twin tried to take my photo today and i successfully dodged her :DD
tried to study during the free break but it wasnt very productive :/ kept talking and talking.
and wanjoo came to schl!! turns out she actually hasnt gone over to switz yet.
quite funny.
the arts people and the science people sat at different tables.
but i betrayed the science table and joined the artsy fartsy table cos my dearest twin was there haha (:
then we had pearl's birthday celebration! :D
waited and waited and in the end we the early birds (qixin juin zengliang yuzheng) ordered food first.
cos i was super hungry survived on hello panda and some weetos cereal bar for the whole day.
went toy's'rus to spin the $1 balls! :DD yay happy happy.

yupyupp. i like. i think very cute!! :D
oh then finally everyone came and we had the birthday cake for the birthday girl none other than pearl ong jia hui ((:
sang birthday song and everything haha.
so here's us, and the lovely birthday cake!

(clockwise. yewseng, qixin, zengliang, bingrong, yuzheng, xiaoting, qihui, pearl, jieying, juin.)

(cookiesandcream birthday cake w a hint of rum i think.)
and so the whole night was kinda a get together cum catch up i thinkk.
reached home at about 10 and i kinda got screwed and that's quite bad.
but i guess there must always be a first before the second can happen.
so maybe next time when i go back home later i wont be screwed so badly.
today some of us had a little chat w sir.
he's really encouraging and all, and im really thankful that he's my form tutor for the year.
its true, sometimes we put in our best efforts, but it's just not enough.
but that's life, and life's sad at times.
i should stop emo-ing cos its bad for health.
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