Saturday, August 05, 2006

the shotgun theory.

i couldn't make it for cell ): but it's okay i'l go for the next one, definitely! yes, we HAVE to suan juin :DD thankyou for missing me hahaha. see you soon superwoman! and i want to stop seeing the fat word appearing in your entries silly!

so i spent my entire day rotting.
hell i hate this life but i cant bring myself to do anything lah.
i want to catch lakehouse quick someone date me out!
i want to catch click too! the ad looks so funny.

i want to go back to nanhua on national day celebration, 8Aug.
i miss pandian! :D and his crunch.
and playing netball.
but then i might go sentosa w the girls too.
depends lah.

god is good,
god is great.
god we thank you for the food we eat, amen.
haha juin taught me that ytd before i conquered my bowl of chicken macaroni soup.
he was like 'you must pray before you eat!'

ohoh let me share with you people a piece of good news.
quickquick jump for joy!

shit i need to work out im getting fat.
i bet this sounds familiar to enli LOL! (:
for the first time in my sickening life i feel like rollerblading at ecp.

and eh people.
i know for ages people have been like asking me to get a tagboard.
like i always said, i will lah! sooooon :D

i must go make a new ezlink pass.
the edges of my current ezlink are frayed and the card is bent and i can no longer use the machines to top up. (i tried recently and it got stuck in the machine :x)

ntuc had this tiny promotion, selling hersheys kissables at twodollars for TWO packets.
of course i couldnt resist, and ta-dah!
now im the proud owner of those kisses (:

read jessicaaa's blog.
my twin is so sweet lah i cant stand her.

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