Thursday, December 28, 2006
Qixin, I received your card! Thanks! So it didn't come THAT late afterall. Let's go out again laaa.
Pearlyn, the sweets were a surprise! :D LOVE. Yes, our friendship will still stay 'fresh after 10years' (:
XY, I received your card too! The 'decorate-your-own-tree' thing's cute :DD
Kat, when you read this, WELCOME BACK (:
Reuben, thanks for the webcam!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
On loop (:
Today turned out to be a blessing in disguise- not being able to join Jian Yang and May and Gina and everyone else, all because it gave me time to think amidst all my lazing around and eating madly (I was booooooored). So, yeah, as long as I do things with the right heart, I'll not have false expectations, and therefore I'll be a happy girl (: I'm dreading school; in a week's time marks the start of The Slogging Year. I need all the motivation I can have to last the year.. ):
Look on me with love.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
let's change all the 'you'-s to 'i'-s.
Monday, December 25, 2006
anyway, just came back from carolling. it was superb, really. the rest are now at the creative factory there; they went there to countdown. i wish i could be there but alas, we shld all be contented with what we have. i mean, i was able to go to like almost all the houses scheduled, so i think it's good enough la. it was a heartwarming cosy thing (: we were all decked in white and jeans, and we had golden wreaths on our heads, looking angelic and saintly. i think i really really really love bpmc now; from alpha camp, to caroling. it's been a wonderful experience of the warmth and friendliness a family can give! had many first times in just one single day; it's been enriching and enjoyable (:
the love i could feel radiating from everyone, it just makes me go fuzzywuzzy inside. it's no longer a lonely christmas anymore, is it (:
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
and you guys too.
Friday, December 22, 2006

Thursday, December 21, 2006
me too (:
who am i
that the eyes that see my sin
would look on me with love
and watch me rise again
the night's passing by really slowly.
the xmas party's theme is purple, gold, yellow.
looks like it's going to be a glamorous night.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
my legs are breaking i tell you. been walking from like one plus to seven. omg omg omg. okay i shall stop. went vivo with my mummy; she was trying to look for posh winter clothing O.O anyway, yeah. so i walked around randomly also la. bumped into fiona and gina! hahaha. so coincidental. and haha i got the christmas presents already! hahaha. that was what made my legs almost break. lol. but still, happy (: donno whether they'l like it. oh yeah daniel if you're reading this, SORRY! im really really really really x infinity guilty. hahaha. i mean like, aiyah. shoots. i dont know how to say. but yeah, you know la.
and and and. I MAILED THE CHRISTMAS CARDS. like, finally. not all though. still have some remaining. haha qixin yours is one of them. cos i havent written down the address YET. haha i bet they'l never reach before christmas : oops. jessica i received your card already! :D your handwriting is damn pretty and i melted at the content. very sweet! really. ((: and then kat did smth really funny. she sent me offline messages. DAMN FUNNY i was like ??!!
okay lah i think that should be all. tomorrow i will bake! lol but i think it'll be a flop. if it's successful, i'll copy william and post pictures of it here :D
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

hello. it's been a wet, wet day. and it's been foiling my plans ): i wanted to go jogging in the morning, mail my xmas cards, go town to get stuff (: BUT BUT BUT. i ended up in a crazy conversation about MILK, and then only to fall asleep RIGHT AFTER LUNCH, while reading my book, only to wake up four hours later. please don't emphasise further what a pig i am thankyou o.o i've already planned my wednesday; we'll see how it goes. one imperative thing i've to do will be to MAIL THOSE XMAS CARDS. i think if i don't mail tmr it'l never reach the people by the end of the year :X eh anyway i had a missed call while i was sleeping if you happen to read this please call again okay. okayy i'll go read now. haha since im not gna do much for the remaining days left of the december vacation, i'll just focus on improving my engrish. ha. ha. okay catch me sometime soon! i may update again at night if smth funnaye happens (:
my dad: where are you going on sunday? church ah?
me: erm, no la.
Monday, December 18, 2006
i went to trim my hair and halfway through i had fits cos i saw this photo that zhiyang sent but i cant post it online so there. anyhows, take care juin lol (: reached home and fell asleep after eating the chestnuts and sakusaku panda chocolate biscuits which i bought at cold storage with geraldine and yuantying during the camp. niceeee. and they have cute packaging too! (: chocolate stuffs can never go wrong, can it.
i'm talking to kat and xinqian now (: apparently xinqian got into nus h3 for math! that smarty pants lah. kat and i reserved her for math tuition hahahah.
and then i'm also talking to reuben whose mum just msged him to take medicine just cos she was lazy to get up and tell him. HAHAHA.
great entertainment tonight! (:
it's time to mail those xmas cards :X
Sunday, December 17, 2006

chestnuts are nice.
i want to watch 'the holiday'.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
wont forget XIBIN LAOSHI who's funny and nice and wise and every bit the good husband and father, the vivid discussions of our eating habits and our passion for chocolates with yuantying, the camwhore geraldine, the famous amos who actually poses for camera shots, leeying the girl who kicks people in her sleep and is juin's cousin, the bushy eyebrows xiaobai who hates vegetables, the ah beng zhilin who lives a few blocks away from me, zhiyang the cranky but funny man who has a pretty girlfriend and is zhilin's brother, the cute daniel who's very obliging to our photo taking, the silent movie zixiang who has psch kid handwriting :D, enwei the noisy girl who's also enli's sister, reuben the unfriendly face who actually smiles and goes crazy too, joses who is reuben's brother and is damn funny; stephanie the FIFTEEN-year-old who likes to think i'm younger than her, joshua leong the idiot who repeatedly scammed me during the camp and dumped buckets of water on me, qiwei the 强者 who's also a nanhua student and has a round face like me :D, the nice-smile boy nicholas whom i offered pucca chocolate fish to (: and told me racist jokes, gabriel who looks like kahfai HAHA, dunlin the sweet lady who got flicked on the ears several times during our violent little game :D, zhexi the boy who sings the same two lines whenever he sees me o.o, the other little girls like xiaohui gina and all who spoke to me and were being friendly (:, and of course the alpha camp committee who made the camp sucha wonderful success! :D
got a lift from jiafa laoshi (: spoke a little to him la, as in cos he asked me about the camp and all. and then he asked me smth that struck me la.
'so when will you be serving in the committee?' or smth along that line. i told him i wasn't up to the challenge even if i'm willing to la. but oh well we'll see how it goes they probably need people more experienced anyway.
it's been an enriching and memorable 4days3nights (: too bad i don't have the pigtures im hoping i'll have access to those in zixiang's and yuantying's cameras somehow :

part of frozen flame + zhilin who came to join us in our SELF INITIATED food bonding session (:

famous Amos :D he styled his hair! haha zhang da le :D

before dinner when we sat beside jiafa laoshi's group and started talking rubbish and taking photos (: daniel qiwei geraldine honey zhilin xiaobai yeewai nicholas me amos.

i only put up this picture cos i thought daniel looks nice inside (: zhilin looks like zhilin and i look horrid la. but nevermind haha cos i dont have other nice picts of daniel already.

at the nicenice auditorium before the alpha night musical. candid shot with qiwei the 强者 LOL. the supposed new nanhua lingo.

finally a slightly more successful one with closed eyes :D 2 round faces HAHA.

back at church before night games; geraldine me an daniel again! (:

joses! reuben's replica hahaha. i think it was already like in the wee hours of the morning but we were all staying up cos it was the last day.

last but not least, XIBIN LAOSHI! he and ailing laoshi are the epitome of sweet love man (: he looks good for his age don't you think? charisma.
23 dec
cell group potluck gathering
130pm, the jade.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
You Are Banana Pocky |
![]() Your attitude: fun and lighthearted Unique and unforgettable You are cutie everyone falls for |
banana is weird for a pocky flavour!! I MISS BEIJING'S DARK CHOC POCKY ):
anyway, kat, this is for you!
thanks for everything, even if it's just words and more words; sometimes funny, other times just downright sincere and honest (: i realised we talked for like, FOUR HOURS! haha and i loved the songs you sent! the cheesy romantic 90's songs (: hugs gazillions, darling, and may your pimples disappear soon! (oops was i supposed to reveal that)
twin, here's something for you too! i'm sorry i can't do anything for you even when you're sad, except to ask if you're okay and all. but if there's anything you need i'm just a call or an sms away and i'm like available 24/7 okay? okay lah maybe minus a few here and there cos i take naps here and there and all. anyhow, be happy too okay? it's detrimental to human health if we don't take care of ourselves in the emotional aspect.. love you okay. and tell me when you're ready to alright?
won't be here for a couple of days. hope my parents'll be alright by then. thanks for caring darlings.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006

December 10, 2006
Ignore mixed signals that are coming your way from various loved ones. Then sit down and think about what you want to do, rather than what you feel you should do. A little extra research will be especially useful.
December 11, 2006i've learnt to take it all with a pinch of salt but if it gives me an excuse to act like a pig and be happy, why not? (: so far all i've done for the holidays are essay outlines, summation questions and differentiation questions, out of which i got half the questions wrong. congratulations jieying you're going to die a sorry death next year. oh eh let's compare timetables when school reopens okay? (: then we can arrange for yongtaufoo feasts!
You could do with a little TLC from your loved ones and from yourself, too. Make your needs a priority. No matter what happens, schedule in some kind of pampering today. Your body, mind and soul will thank you.
read abit of the papers just now. go check out cameron diaz's gorgeous golden dress on the last page of the life! section kae? makes her look glamourous and pretty (: and then i read the part about sunset way on its way to be revamped to become the next Holland V. they even showed a little map with all the blocks.
sunset way; all too familiar.
okay will go bathe now i'm stinkaye and smellaye from the little jog just now (: then i'll drop by the doctor's, lunch at delifrance with my mum, look at clothes with my mum, maybe look up some recipes in the library, and then it's homehomehome. i think today will be a happy day.
oh yeah athens if you're reading this, have you worn the abercrombie long-sleeved top? i've worn it the second time already! (and loving it) (:
Sunday, December 10, 2006

click here! (: i bet for one chua xin qian hasn't read it yet.
frets. i think i'm a massive idiot.
Saturday, December 09, 2006

hello earthlings!
love the 10 people i went out with today; it was a really cosy little thing (: and im really amazed how the guys didn't protest when we all decided to take neoprints. TWICE (: i really hated saying goodbye. but oh well, i'm pretty sure we'll get to meet each other in school and have a nice chitchat over lunch or smth (: little noters to you great people!
athens, hahaha i'm so surprised but i feel so loved, that you actually remembered my birthday :D yay abercrombie&fitch rocks socks! even if you call me a frog, even if you don't really appreciate my jokes, i still love you darling! and i only called you a horse cos your face's long, but isn't that a good thing? beats having a short face anyway (:
jason, it's really nice to see you smiling more today! (: smile more, smile often okay? i never fail to go o.o at your jason-brand jokes but at least i think they're slightly better than the ones by onwin and jingyi la. ohoh maybe it's time you upgraded to a pentium II already! :D and do call us along next time if you're going TREKKING at MOUNT EVEREST, again!
jessica, hanks for being such a dear each time. i'm so glad we treasure each other's company a hell lot and it's nice to know that there's always someone there who'll listen, and who shares the same thinking about schl and all. it's a wonder how we grew close, we must really thank lao shi huh. and you know what. i think we got telepathy (: we're way cool hahaha.
jingyi, i can't stand you leh. first we got the same gold razrs. then we bought the same dunks in china. today we wore the same shade of clothes!! what's next? haha but it's okay lah huh (: i think your current specs are so much nicer but even if you choose to go back to your white pair i suppose it;s fine, cos i'm sure we'll all see beyond that pair of poser specs (:
kat, i still can't stop laughing at you! haven't spoken to you alot but yeah it's nice having you around to make the whole atmosphere a livelier one! even if you call me jiggly i still enjoy your company around (: we should really all have a yongtaufoo spread in school one day, and maybe throw in a little gossip hahaha (: love that you're a happy pill always (:
mengyan, everytime i see you, you look sleepy zzz. haha haven't really talked to you much, cos you look so tired everytime anyway (: but you've got pretty eyelashes! and i'm so jealous of them cos mine are like super stumpy? ): and oh if you need help with going after j_s_ie you can look for me at my class anytime! ONESCFIVE. okay? i'll do my best to help you two :DD
onwin, your camera was the highlight of the night! you are great company too, even though sometimes we're not on the same frequency. hahaha, can't blame me lah, you're afterall a KI student while i'm a GP student; we all have different analytical abilities. thanks for ALWAYS taking my whipped cream when we're at starbucks (: you're the hot chocolate boy while im the mocha girl lol. anyway i still rmbr what laoshi said about your palm and thumb HAHAHA (: and i totally admired you for your climbing stunt while we were taking neoprints :D
xinqian, i'm so glad i'm not scared of you anymore, unlike last time. hahaha. you're really nice to be with! feels very secure :DD thanks for being really nice about it when we tease you, for making us laugh with your funny comments, and for just being comfortable with who you are. and i know your shoes are real, darling. i believe you! (: hahaha. and stop showing your sports bra lah hahaha we all know you wore white with brown lining tonight (: oh, and i'm glad your mouth's gotten way better already! donnid to cover already hahaha.
xueyuan, my sunshine girl! i'm terribly sorry i was sucha lousy tablemate during dinner tonight ): i'm really not a good conversationalist lah. i'm still feeling a little guilty about it.. hahaha i like your darlie smile! will help you look out for darlie commercial castings :DD i'm so glad i'll always see you around cos you're in SCFOUR and i'm in SCFIVE (: we didn't take photos today lor! ):): must take next time okay! and i love how i could regconise you from your shoes and your tribal accessories. i'm pro right :D
zihui, YOU ARE SO TINY I THINK I CAN BLOW YOU AWAY IN ONE BREATH. hahaha. i love to talk to you! i don't know why too. haha it was nice talking to you while waiting for 173. haha i felt a little.. braver too (: thanks for your xmas card hahaha i love you for saying that my face is not big :D and i really didn't mean to read it in your presence :O hahaha and anyway the boy who offered sweets while we were talking freaked me out. i'm so glad i got to know you much better than in nanhua. and you can do away with wanting to eat healthier food lah you so tiny eat anything also can! zzz.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
i think we all need an anti-emo campaign soon.

after tossing and turning for 2 hours, i popped online at the godly hour of 1am, feeling crap. and then this dearie randomly sprang a 'boo' and before we knew it we spent an hour moping around, talking about the trivialities and absurdities and being emo together. love, sweets! (: because i slept at 3am, i woke up at 7.30am feeling like an angsty spitfire )): as i walked to the market with my mum i started to ask myself alot of questions; why i got the black version instead of the plum red and white version, why this had to happen, why that had to happen, whyohwhyohwhy, and i was so angry at myself that even breakfast didn't seem to do its job. and it's only morning. dreads. then when i finally got home, i tried downloading some nokia themes into my phone. at last something that went on smoothly; now my phone's looking all sexy and spiced up with the marilyn monroe wallpaper and theme. rightos, tomorrow's FRIDAY! going to meet all my happy pills (: that'll make up for everything, won't it.
bad things always happen in december.
EDIT. i think ive caught the travel bug i was surfing websites of different destinations. gasps.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

hello lovelies.
today i didn't do much, unless you actually count a testimonial spree, and tv and sleep something o.o i'm a damn procrastinator. my motivation was short-lived; i only did a few questions of maths (on summation, that irritating chapter) last night and i don't feel driven at all tonight. it's been quite an emo day. plus the songs playing on my ipod are all sad. this never happened before, paul mccartney. OHMYGOSH sad song right. okay now it's some jamie cullum song. i'm still waiting for friday to come! not only will i get to see my favourite people, i'll also get to lay my hands on the oldies album onwin promised to lend me (:(: hahaha. i feel a zit under my lips shitzor.
it fluctuates as much as you ):
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
you won't ever see me going for a single class outing again.
because a lousy mood is always good for doing work, i shall start on my gp homework this very minute.
i am so proud of myself i didn't spend any money except on food which amounted to less than five bucks.
goodnight, world.
Friday, 8 Dec
Fish N Co, Starbucks
Orchard MRT, 5pm
advertising for kristen's handmade earrings!
Sunday, December 03, 2006

hello world. (:
today i am tired, full and happy.
vivo with family was not bad.
starbucks; mocha&cranberry+orange muffin = seventh heaven, cloud nine etc.
marks and spencer sells nicer, higher end clothes now.
i don't think i'm going for chalet already.
and i found out yewseng is working and may treat us all to a meal! :D
beijing people outing on friday (tentatively).
Friday, December 01, 2006

Our (Jessica and I) huge King-sized bed :D

Jessica's luggage and mine.

We asked for toys on the plane :D

Tian An Men Square.

Picture of bliss (; I like this picture quite abit.

Jessica, XueYuan the Darlie smile girl, and I in school & our AC jackets! (:

The school's bleachers sorta thing, reserved only for school major events like sports day. Spot the AC colours :O

All but a FEW of the many buildings of the huge school compound. I think it's like 10x of AC lah.

At Starbucks with Jessica and some of the guys. We went there because we thought Xidan was a lousy place with only Salvatore Ferragamo but apparently we just haven't checked out the bazaar thing o.o

Athena, Jessica, XueYuan, SinYee and I on the bus back home. We were making like a hell load of noise waving at other bus drivers :X

Our first wu shu lesson! :D Maiden attempt at weaving a sword. Looks retarded huh.

Second last day of school, so Jessica and I went on a photo-taking spree. This girl sits in front of me and has a round face like me :D

This girl is my buddy, 蒋天宇 (: She's also a class discipline mistress sorta thing. So I was afraid of talking to her on the first day.. damn paiseh to get scolded for talking when you're already 17 lah :

祖纪超 aka No. 2!! Hahaha both Jessica and I think he's so shy to the extent that it becomes quite cute. Lol. I took pictures with No. 1 too but then I look too ugly inside and I was too embarrassed to ask for another picture so IT'S OKAY I'll just stare at it and drool by myself LOL.

Jessica's buddy 陈喆! She is damn funny and nice also lah. Always talking to Jessica during lessons tsktsk.

Math teacher! She is so nice even though I don't understand a single thing she's teaching -.- Why am I not surprised haha.

Two of the class girls :D 王心伶 and 小安 (that's her nickname I think) and us.

The emcee of the cultural exchange programme with the foreign students in school, Max.

One of the Korean students, who's also 周漠's eye candy :DD

Some place around Tian An Men also lah I think. Quite pretty at night with all the lights, isn't it? (:

After countless attempts we finally got it right YAY (:

Katrina Velicaria!

Jessica XY SY and I <3 style="WIDTH: 522px; HEIGHT: 392px" height="403" src="" width="402">
Athena the green woman :D I love green too and we have the same kind of palms. LOL.

Jessica the orange woman lol. Both she and Athena can go form the traffic light with XinQian whom I think owns a red jacket o.o

One of the many similar looking gates that I took. I gave up after realising everything looks the same to me except the signboard o.o

SinYee! She's damn nice, really (: Lovelove.

Bird's eye view of the forbidden city (if I'm not wrong lol)

The dustbins in China look different EVERYWHERE o.o

Temple of Heaven (天坛)

Jingyi and Mr Sim the Ninja LOL :DD

Us again hahaha.

This little boy awoken my maternal instincts lol. But he seems to be struggling in this picture :

Our group! Jason, me, ZiHui, XinQian, Jessica, Jingyi :D

The ONLY picture I have with Steffi.

At Lu Gou Bridge (芦沟桥). There are like >500 little lions on the walkway so I'm just stroking like one of the manymanymany :O

Still at the bridge!

Everyone outside the Anti-Japanese War Memorial Museum (where we learnt about the cruel massacres yucksyucksyucks) (:

SinYee, XueYuan, Jessica (: They all look quite nice here!

The dumpling man, QiuYan and me. Actually he's the nice uncle who agreed to surrender his home for our dumpling making (:

Lao shi showing off her pro dumpling making skills :D

Pigs in action.

Another pig who skipped her lunch 'cos she wanted to jian fei but ended up eating quite abit during the dumpling making session.

SinYee kneading the dough. Sticky business.

Athena in the foreground, Kat in the back.

Aiyoh ugly face and Ziwen.

SPONGEBOB SOCKS :D XueYuan's. Damn cute!!

We were walking on the road that only the Emperor can use so it seemed extremely memorable to take this picture o.-

Pocky boys -.- But the dark chocolate Pocky's reaaaaaally thumbs up.

She's 小雪, a two-year-old to be, can recite a zillion Tang poems, and has a temper. Talented baby nevertheless. I felt inferior beside her leh.

There she goes in a poem-ish mood (: The umbrellas were given to her by nieghbours whenever she successfully recited a good poem! She has three umbrellas already :O

QiuYan thinks the purple umbrella matches my purple top so she asked me to hold it while taking a photo but then yah it wasn't taken properly so we were cut off :(

Self explanatory? x

Form teacher (: Candid shot, all because the guy who held my camera didn't count and just kept snapping and I was complaining to lao shi and she said he was trying to take the most natural shots, so there!

Class girls; after mass exercise.

Girl power again (:

高二 (1) 班 (: dearly missed!

The lovely Bio teacher but I don't know why her eyes are closed here :X

Another Korean kid who turned out to be very scary. He totally demanded that we take another photo without flash and then tried to fiddle with my camera to delete the first flash picture despite my OFFER to HELP him delete it from MY camera. Weird leh.

The fatherly figure of the school, Mr Principal. I still don't know his name LOL :X But he was quite nice I was asking him if I could hold his arm and he was like '可以, 可以' :D

Great Wall.

It's supposed to be a portrait scenery picture. I know my photography skills is quite lousy but I tell you the scenery was so BREATHTAKING.

In one of the forts on our way scaling up the Great Wall. I quite like this picture but it's a little blur ):

The furthest we could climb before the rest of the Great Wall was sealed. Jingyi and I took this together because it was like freezer cold temperature and it was faster having two take together instead of individually so yeah.

The slab of stone that proves that you went to the Great Wall of China -.-

Jason's coat saved the day.

The mirror that made us appear all slim and nice (:

And the other one which made us turn quite the opposite :(

I covered my mouth because Jingyi thinks I look weird smiling which I think so too but I cannot help it lah huh I look horrible. I think that's my first photo with OnWin inside.

Trishaw ride! I look damn guy here hahaha. But I never ever rode in a trishaw before!! So must put up here -.-

OnWin and Jingyi's trishaw ahead of us.

Lao shi!!!! I love her man she's so nice! Really. She knows how to read palms too haha and she said my health will become better when I grow older, my relationships will be complex and in a mess, I think alot, and I will ripe to an old age. And just when I believed her totally she came to tell me she was just crapping. Wah lau!

ADIDOS! Okay lah it's 'cos we went to Silk Street and they sold many many fake stuff that look real and the jacket on XinQian was bought from there. And then we also saw the lousy imitations which spelt Adidos instead of Adidas, so we started calling XinQian Adidos LOL. She's covering her mouth 'cos the skin around her lips were a little irritated and so I did the same to make her feel better.

Kat joined in too (:

Candid shot lah. All because of me turning my head -.-

The wonderful babes that made the trip super, together with Liang lao shi! (:

Us girrrrrls again!

New shoes we bought from our last two shopping trips. Clockwise from Kat's brown Converse classics, my Dunks, XueYuan's Dunks, Jessica's high ankle Converse shoes, finally Jingyi's Dunks (: And we got it cheap (obviously cos they're imitations). I probably just announced to the whole world that I'm wearing cheapo shoes but I don't care heh heh heh.
Here's the photos I've promised, not entirely there but I think that's about all. Some pictures are in the cameras of the others (eg Jess ZiHui OnWin) so I guess I'll just wait abit okay. Let's hope we can all meet up soon for a Starbucks drink or something! No more freezing winter to make coffee feel so good but I guess air conditioned places will do just fine!
Chalet soon! Let's hope the turnout will be good. Can't wait to see those old school pallies (: