hello earthlings!
love the 10 people i went out with today; it was a really cosy little thing (: and im really amazed how the guys didn't protest when we all decided to take neoprints. TWICE (: i really hated saying goodbye. but oh well, i'm pretty sure we'll get to meet each other in school and have a nice chitchat over lunch or smth (: little noters to you great people!
athens, hahaha i'm so surprised but i feel so loved, that you actually remembered my birthday :D yay abercrombie&fitch rocks socks! even if you call me a frog, even if you don't really appreciate my jokes, i still love you darling! and i only called you a horse cos your face's long, but isn't that a good thing? beats having a short face anyway (:
jason, it's really nice to see you smiling more today! (: smile more, smile often okay? i never fail to go o.o at your jason-brand jokes but at least i think they're slightly better than the ones by onwin and jingyi la. ohoh maybe it's time you upgraded to a pentium II already! :D and do call us along next time if you're going TREKKING at MOUNT EVEREST, again!
jessica, hanks for being such a dear each time. i'm so glad we treasure each other's company a hell lot and it's nice to know that there's always someone there who'll listen, and who shares the same thinking about schl and all. it's a wonder how we grew close, we must really thank lao shi huh. and you know what. i think we got telepathy (: we're way cool hahaha.
jingyi, i can't stand you leh. first we got the same gold razrs. then we bought the same dunks in china. today we wore the same shade of clothes!! what's next? haha but it's okay lah huh (: i think your current specs are so much nicer but even if you choose to go back to your white pair i suppose it;s fine, cos i'm sure we'll all see beyond that pair of poser specs (:
kat, i still can't stop laughing at you! haven't spoken to you alot but yeah it's nice having you around to make the whole atmosphere a livelier one! even if you call me jiggly i still enjoy your company around (: we should really all have a yongtaufoo spread in school one day, and maybe throw in a little gossip hahaha (: love that you're a happy pill always (:
mengyan, everytime i see you, you look sleepy zzz. haha haven't really talked to you much, cos you look so tired everytime anyway (: but you've got pretty eyelashes! and i'm so jealous of them cos mine are like super stumpy? ): and oh if you need help with going after j_s_ie you can look for me at my class anytime! ONESCFIVE. okay? i'll do my best to help you two :DD
onwin, your camera was the highlight of the night! you are great company too, even though sometimes we're not on the same frequency. hahaha, can't blame me lah, you're afterall a KI student while i'm a GP student; we all have different analytical abilities. thanks for ALWAYS taking my whipped cream when we're at starbucks (: you're the hot chocolate boy while im the mocha girl lol. anyway i still rmbr what laoshi said about your palm and thumb HAHAHA (: and i totally admired you for your climbing stunt while we were taking neoprints :D
xinqian, i'm so glad i'm not scared of you anymore, unlike last time. hahaha. you're really nice to be with! feels very secure :DD thanks for being really nice about it when we tease you, for making us laugh with your funny comments, and for just being comfortable with who you are. and i know your shoes are real, darling. i believe you! (: hahaha. and stop showing your sports bra lah hahaha we all know you wore white with brown lining tonight (: oh, and i'm glad your mouth's gotten way better already! donnid to cover already hahaha.
xueyuan, my sunshine girl! i'm terribly sorry i was sucha lousy tablemate during dinner tonight ): i'm really not a good conversationalist lah. i'm still feeling a little guilty about it.. hahaha i like your darlie smile! will help you look out for darlie commercial castings :DD i'm so glad i'll always see you around cos you're in SCFOUR and i'm in SCFIVE (: we didn't take photos today lor! ):): must take next time okay! and i love how i could regconise you from your shoes and your tribal accessories. i'm pro right :D
zihui, YOU ARE SO TINY I THINK I CAN BLOW YOU AWAY IN ONE BREATH. hahaha. i love to talk to you! i don't know why too. haha it was nice talking to you while waiting for 173. haha i felt a little.. braver too (: thanks for your xmas card hahaha i love you for saying that my face is not big :D and i really didn't mean to read it in your presence :O hahaha and anyway the boy who offered sweets while we were talking freaked me out. i'm so glad i got to know you much better than in nanhua. and you can do away with wanting to eat healthier food lah you so tiny eat anything also can! zzz.
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