after tossing and turning for 2 hours, i popped online at the godly hour of 1am, feeling crap. and then this dearie randomly sprang a 'boo' and before we knew it we spent an hour moping around, talking about the trivialities and absurdities and being emo together. love, sweets! (: because i slept at 3am, i woke up at 7.30am feeling like an angsty spitfire )): as i walked to the market with my mum i started to ask myself alot of questions; why i got the black version instead of the plum red and white version, why this had to happen, why that had to happen, whyohwhyohwhy, and i was so angry at myself that even breakfast didn't seem to do its job. and it's only morning. dreads. then when i finally got home, i tried downloading some nokia themes into my phone. at last something that went on smoothly; now my phone's looking all sexy and spiced up with the marilyn monroe wallpaper and theme. rightos, tomorrow's FRIDAY! going to meet all my happy pills (: that'll make up for everything, won't it.
bad things always happen in december.
EDIT. i think ive caught the travel bug i was surfing websites of different destinations. gasps.
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