wont forget XIBIN LAOSHI who's funny and nice and wise and every bit the good husband and father, the vivid discussions of our eating habits and our passion for chocolates with yuantying, the camwhore geraldine, the famous amos who actually poses for camera shots, leeying the girl who kicks people in her sleep and is juin's cousin, the bushy eyebrows xiaobai who hates vegetables, the ah beng zhilin who lives a few blocks away from me, zhiyang the cranky but funny man who has a pretty girlfriend and is zhilin's brother, the cute daniel who's very obliging to our photo taking, the silent movie zixiang who has psch kid handwriting :D, enwei the noisy girl who's also enli's sister, reuben the unfriendly face who actually smiles and goes crazy too, joses who is reuben's brother and is damn funny; stephanie the FIFTEEN-year-old who likes to think i'm younger than her, joshua leong the idiot who repeatedly scammed me during the camp and dumped buckets of water on me, qiwei the 强者 who's also a nanhua student and has a round face like me :D, the nice-smile boy nicholas whom i offered pucca chocolate fish to (: and told me racist jokes, gabriel who looks like kahfai HAHA, dunlin the sweet lady who got flicked on the ears several times during our violent little game :D, zhexi the boy who sings the same two lines whenever he sees me o.o, the other little girls like xiaohui gina and all who spoke to me and were being friendly (:, and of course the alpha camp committee who made the camp sucha wonderful success! :D
got a lift from jiafa laoshi (: spoke a little to him la, as in cos he asked me about the camp and all. and then he asked me smth that struck me la.
'so when will you be serving in the committee?' or smth along that line. i told him i wasn't up to the challenge even if i'm willing to la. but oh well we'll see how it goes they probably need people more experienced anyway.
it's been an enriching and memorable 4days3nights (: too bad i don't have the pigtures im hoping i'll have access to those in zixiang's and yuantying's cameras somehow :

part of frozen flame + zhilin who came to join us in our SELF INITIATED food bonding session (:

famous Amos :D he styled his hair! haha zhang da le :D

before dinner when we sat beside jiafa laoshi's group and started talking rubbish and taking photos (: daniel qiwei geraldine honey zhilin xiaobai yeewai nicholas me amos.

i only put up this picture cos i thought daniel looks nice inside (: zhilin looks like zhilin and i look horrid la. but nevermind haha cos i dont have other nice picts of daniel already.

at the nicenice auditorium before the alpha night musical. candid shot with qiwei the 强者 LOL. the supposed new nanhua lingo.

finally a slightly more successful one with closed eyes :D 2 round faces HAHA.

back at church before night games; geraldine me an daniel again! (:

joses! reuben's replica hahaha. i think it was already like in the wee hours of the morning but we were all staying up cos it was the last day.

last but not least, XIBIN LAOSHI! he and ailing laoshi are the epitome of sweet love man (: he looks good for his age don't you think? charisma.
okay the end; im bushed. i hope i can attend service one day, finally.
23 dec
cell group potluck gathering
130pm, the jade.
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