December 10, 2006
Ignore mixed signals that are coming your way from various loved ones. Then sit down and think about what you want to do, rather than what you feel you should do. A little extra research will be especially useful.
December 11, 2006i've learnt to take it all with a pinch of salt but if it gives me an excuse to act like a pig and be happy, why not? (: so far all i've done for the holidays are essay outlines, summation questions and differentiation questions, out of which i got half the questions wrong. congratulations jieying you're going to die a sorry death next year. oh eh let's compare timetables when school reopens okay? (: then we can arrange for yongtaufoo feasts!
You could do with a little TLC from your loved ones and from yourself, too. Make your needs a priority. No matter what happens, schedule in some kind of pampering today. Your body, mind and soul will thank you.
read abit of the papers just now. go check out cameron diaz's gorgeous golden dress on the last page of the life! section kae? makes her look glamourous and pretty (: and then i read the part about sunset way on its way to be revamped to become the next Holland V. they even showed a little map with all the blocks.
sunset way; all too familiar.
okay will go bathe now i'm stinkaye and smellaye from the little jog just now (: then i'll drop by the doctor's, lunch at delifrance with my mum, look at clothes with my mum, maybe look up some recipes in the library, and then it's homehomehome. i think today will be a happy day.
oh yeah athens if you're reading this, have you worn the abercrombie long-sleeved top? i've worn it the second time already! (and loving it) (:
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