Monday, December 25, 2006

for the wonderful christmas presents, cards, or smses (:
daniel enli enwei gabby jessica joy juin katrina may peilin qiuyan qiwei shaorong siewhow tammie william xiaojie xinqian yewseng yuantying yvonne zihui my brother

for the nice things y'all have done (:
jiafa laoshi for catwalking with me and er, pei-ing me to throw face by doing that pose;
joshua for giving me a lift back home (actually it's his dad) but then he offered so yeaps
reuben for being nice to insult and 24/7 entertainment and offering me the webcam D: (upsidedownsmiley);
zhilin for being so sporting and actually appreciating the rubbish present i brought for the presents-exchange thing :D ;
zhiyang for specially smsing to show his appreciation for me going caroling and just being nice;
zixiang for being a nice boy, helping me to take care of my bulky creative goodie bag from yesterday, and also for being sucha riot during caroling


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