Lately I've been such an emo shit.
And I don't think it's about to stop.
Vulnerability engulfs.
Tears flood.
Happy pills in double dosage.
Keep myself busy.
Can't wait to eat prata at Al-ameen again.
Thank you, but no thank you.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
I really think it sucks to be doubted by a friend whom I trust and love so much. I think it really sucks how he/she thinks I have an ulterior motive in anything that I do. Whatever. I do not, and I hope my answer has satisfied you today ):
Thank goodness the senior-junior-interaction thing burnt the unhappiness away. It was really crazy with the pole dance and lap dance and everything. We even pissed our juniors off with some retarded interrogation and scolding. BUT. ultimately we bonded, so our aim's reached. The juniors were really sweet; they stayed up to make flowers and bottled sand with a message inside for us. We felt like asses after seeing their little tokens.

So sweet right (: And to think we made them answer retarded questions like. Why are you not eating the watermelon slices. :/ Pigged out alot alot tonight, because the food was so so good. Our class girls are talented food makers! It was a really nice little night, I already love my juniors :D
Oh yeah we did some ushering and all at the senior citizens' fair at ToaPayoh HDB Hub. It was a really cool experience the old people are so so cute! One of them even told us this lame joke thing.
Old man: Which sea animal has fingers?
puzzled faces.
Thank goodness the senior-junior-interaction thing burnt the unhappiness away. It was really crazy with the pole dance and lap dance and everything. We even pissed our juniors off with some retarded interrogation and scolding. BUT. ultimately we bonded, so our aim's reached. The juniors were really sweet; they stayed up to make flowers and bottled sand with a message inside for us. We felt like asses after seeing their little tokens.

So sweet right (: And to think we made them answer retarded questions like. Why are you not eating the watermelon slices. :/ Pigged out alot alot tonight, because the food was so so good. Our class girls are talented food makers! It was a really nice little night, I already love my juniors :D
Oh yeah we did some ushering and all at the senior citizens' fair at ToaPayoh HDB Hub. It was a really cool experience the old people are so so cute! One of them even told us this lame joke thing.
Old man: Which sea animal has fingers?
puzzled faces.
I just remembered Cherilyn saying she'll buy me SMOKED SALMON for my birthday! DD: Anyway minus the thing that made me pissed, I had a pretty great time with Aiyun and Cherilyn at Cold Storage today (: Buying food's fun, lugging them home's not :/ But well, we're just such nice seniors making food for those juniors; they'd BETTER appreciate it man! Oh we wanted to find BACON BITS to add to the salad but then when we asked one of the staff members, he brought us to cans of BAKED BEANS. We tumbled in laughter! I think it's damn funny. Such retards we were. I flew along the aisle on the trolley! It was nice relieving my non-existent childhood :D And I was carrying Cherilyn's school bag so I bet I look like some lousy schoolkid hahaha. Alright, tomorrow I gotta make my way to ToaPayoh by EIGHT AM. This is so bad. Gotta go off, NOW. Will try to study on the train tmr HAHA. I am slacking wayyy too much! Last thing, GP presentation scared the hell outta me because Ms N has really high expectations but I'm glad we made it HAHA and Brendan's conclusion totally blew her off. Yeah, he's THAT good :O
Friday, January 26, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Keep me busy so I won't think so muchhhhh.
Shopping with mummy was a major flop because the place sucks haha.
Plus I was so freaked out by these 2 boys who were following me from the underpass to the mrt station. I even overheard their conversation (they were THAT close) and no, please don't ask me about the details.
Okay bye I'm off to eat.
Shopping with mummy was a major flop because the place sucks haha.
Plus I was so freaked out by these 2 boys who were following me from the underpass to the mrt station. I even overheard their conversation (they were THAT close) and no, please don't ask me about the details.
Okay bye I'm off to eat.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Squash trg was tiring (kinda) but fun (: Rehearsal for presentation was funny too. Cabbed home and I hated myself for burning cash away like that. AHHH. No more cabbing this month! >:( Okay nevermind. Oh yeah today's math test maybe I can do better than a pass! (: No A lah, but still it's an achievement to pass YeoYinBee's test lah (: Haha. Anyway, tomorrow I'm skipping reading period to go shopping with my mummy! DDDDD: Then at night it's worship practice again! Happy happy (: Okay bye I am still eating my dinner haha and it's already 817PM. Oh, flouted school rules together with the J1s by squeezing into the lift with them. Now I think they regconise me already zzzz.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
HELLO. School was so demoralising. Time to pull up my socks alotalot! ): On a happier note, I'm looking forward to the days after tomorrow!
Thurs: Worship practice.
Friday: Eat-junk-food-day.
Saturday: ToaPayoh CIP, Tutoring CIP, Cell, Senior-Junior Interaction.
Sunday: Church.
Lovely, just lovely. (: The bad news is I've only today and tomorrow to do whatever I'm required to do for the week. OH MAAAAN. Okay I think I have to go do all my stuff already :/ Dies. Hope my throat gets better tomorrow! I MUST SLEEP EARLY TONIGHT.
Thurs: Worship practice.
Friday: Eat-junk-food-day.
Saturday: ToaPayoh CIP, Tutoring CIP, Cell, Senior-Junior Interaction.
Sunday: Church.
Lovely, just lovely. (: The bad news is I've only today and tomorrow to do whatever I'm required to do for the week. OH MAAAAN. Okay I think I have to go do all my stuff already :/ Dies. Hope my throat gets better tomorrow! I MUST SLEEP EARLY TONIGHT.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Hey hello hello (: Today was great! Just reached home from yyxz (: I was very, very excited becuase it was my first ever time practising for Sunday's worship, first time serving! Sang and sang and sang. Happy happy. I was really awed by how the people were playing the instruments. I mean like, even the kids lah (SongHeng&Charmaine). Really, really cool. One day I must add on an instrument to my otherwise empty list (unless you count RECORDER) Right, and I was quite afraid I couldn't sing the songs but well, at least it was not that bad lah. (: I think I've a busy week ahead and I really like that because it makes me feel like my life's fuller in a sense. Okays I'll be off! Love you guys.
♥ happy birthday, Esther!
I finished reading my gp package! :D Anyway actually a whole lot of things happened today, from FELLOWSHIP with Jianen Zhijing Zhilin Joses Zhexi (actually it was just baseless taunts lah) to being sort of emotionally shaken, to finding my friendship with this certain friend being brought up to a higher level and being able to be honest about certain issues (: I am glad to a certain extent that I think I've learnt to focus more on the correct things. I am still trying to make myself a better person in all aspects lah, I'm trying hard okay. Mmhm well yeap I didn't expect things to unfold this way, but well, why not? I'm liking this unpredictability right now. Shrugs. Anyway, service and DG were quite.. I don't know. I got lost halfway through and kept floating in and out. Maybe it was due to the late night I had on Saturday. Oh well! Went for games as well, felt a tad guilty for being there because I was supposed to be studying :X Nevertheless I had a pretty good time. Oh yeah before I went for games I saw the church caretaker! Stopped by to talk to him because I heard he was leaving at the end of January ): That's quite sad because I barely got to know him! He started telling me about alot of stuff lah, all the advice that an adult/parent will give. Stuff like being careful with the friends I make, being thankful to my parents for bringing me up and all that, don't fall out with my parents because of my choice in religion and to ultimately listen to them because they're afterall the ones who gave me a life etc etc. And he also told me to study hard and if he sees me outside on the streets he wants to see me doing well and stuff! I was all warm and fuzzy after hearing his words. It's like, I barely know him though I do smile and wave when I see him, but he still expressed his concern and all like we were really close. He's a nice uncle (: Oh well, this entry was supposed to be a whiny one but then yeah, I read May's blog and I thought she made sense. We shouldn't conclude our day's bad just because of one stupid thing, and that was what I've been doing all this while. Focus on the little blessings in life, because we tend to always magnify the bad stuff and overlook the good! Give thanks, give thanks, give thanks. I just realised how good it is to reflect late at night; more insightful, less things missed out. It's the only time I'm really thinking.
See you darling people soon! ♥ Date me out you lousy people whom I haven't been seeing for so long, loads of great movies are out now!
I finished reading my gp package! :D Anyway actually a whole lot of things happened today, from FELLOWSHIP with Jianen Zhijing Zhilin Joses Zhexi (actually it was just baseless taunts lah) to being sort of emotionally shaken, to finding my friendship with this certain friend being brought up to a higher level and being able to be honest about certain issues (: I am glad to a certain extent that I think I've learnt to focus more on the correct things. I am still trying to make myself a better person in all aspects lah, I'm trying hard okay. Mmhm well yeap I didn't expect things to unfold this way, but well, why not? I'm liking this unpredictability right now. Shrugs. Anyway, service and DG were quite.. I don't know. I got lost halfway through and kept floating in and out. Maybe it was due to the late night I had on Saturday. Oh well! Went for games as well, felt a tad guilty for being there because I was supposed to be studying :X Nevertheless I had a pretty good time. Oh yeah before I went for games I saw the church caretaker! Stopped by to talk to him because I heard he was leaving at the end of January ): That's quite sad because I barely got to know him! He started telling me about alot of stuff lah, all the advice that an adult/parent will give. Stuff like being careful with the friends I make, being thankful to my parents for bringing me up and all that, don't fall out with my parents because of my choice in religion and to ultimately listen to them because they're afterall the ones who gave me a life etc etc. And he also told me to study hard and if he sees me outside on the streets he wants to see me doing well and stuff! I was all warm and fuzzy after hearing his words. It's like, I barely know him though I do smile and wave when I see him, but he still expressed his concern and all like we were really close. He's a nice uncle (: Oh well, this entry was supposed to be a whiny one but then yeah, I read May's blog and I thought she made sense. We shouldn't conclude our day's bad just because of one stupid thing, and that was what I've been doing all this while. Focus on the little blessings in life, because we tend to always magnify the bad stuff and overlook the good! Give thanks, give thanks, give thanks. I just realised how good it is to reflect late at night; more insightful, less things missed out. It's the only time I'm really thinking.
See you darling people soon! ♥ Date me out you lousy people whom I haven't been seeing for so long, loads of great movies are out now!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Back from Gina's (Lena's&Fiona's too) grandmother's wake! Glad to see the girls looking alright (: Strong girls! Felt a little sad when i saw some people cry. I'm easily affected lah. BUT THEN. Joses was like 'Don't cry lah'. And he spoilt the whole emo thing zzz. Okay maybe it's not a bad thing afterall. After the short service (in Teochew omg) we sat around a table and started chatting and eating peanuts. Something damn embarrassing happened but I shan't elaborate omg. Hm so we kinda continued talking rubbish into the night la, until Joshua's daddy came. Got a free lift back home, and I finally understood the saying 'like father, like son'. Haha it's okay I don't think he'll read this. So I reached home safely before ten thirty with an exploding bladder. YAY tomorrow I can go for service afterall! I swear I'll go pouncing on William's mudpie (: I am happy tonight cos I didn't have to lie about going to the wake. Alright I'll blog again tomorrow! I am a happy girl tonight.
Friday, January 19, 2007
TGIF! Oh my I think I'll find myself starting every friday's entry the SAMEEEE way o.o Had fun rubbishing around w the usual people and I guess that's enough to last me through otherwise a really horrible day (again haha). OH I WAS THE ONLY GIRL IN CLASS TO BE STREAMED INTO BEGINNER BEGINNER GROUP o.o OMG. That's how bad I am -.- BUT! It was fun! Cos there were only 3 people in the group, and Ritik (sp) and Hilmi were good company (: We started playing with water after pe ended. Conclusion: Swim pe is fun fun fun! Minus the walking-to-pool-and-walking-back part. Was totally squirming cos of my ugly bouncing fats. Right, let's not talk about it. Visited Amy at NP with Joy&Ben! (: She was singing cos there was an open house at NP. She's the woman man, that powerhouse. Her voice was greaaaaat! (: Then we took the facility tour bus back to the business block so we could get to the bus stop. The ambassadors on the bus were like, hawwwt. Both the girl and the guy! Chatted a little with Joy on the bus. Nice little chat there (: All that was lacking was a cuppa TCC coffee and probably a slice of brownie. Okay, on second thoughts, maybe not the brownie but yeah. It was a good release, I don't feel so pent up anymore. True confidantes ♥ Yep. Next week we're gonna present stuff about the China trip to the rest! Quite exciting, actually. I look forward to reliving the togetherness again! Alright, what a lengthy entry. Byebye world!
TGIF! Oh my I think I'll find myself starting every friday's entry the SAMEEEE way o.o Had fun rubbishing around w the usual people and I guess that's enough to last me through otherwise a really horrible day (again haha). OH I WAS THE ONLY GIRL IN CLASS TO BE STREAMED INTO BEGINNER BEGINNER GROUP o.o OMG. That's how bad I am -.- BUT! It was fun! Cos there were only 3 people in the group, and Ritik (sp) and Hilmi were good company (: We started playing with water after pe ended. Conclusion: Swim pe is fun fun fun! Minus the walking-to-pool-and-walking-back part. Was totally squirming cos of my ugly bouncing fats. Right, let's not talk about it. Visited Amy at NP with Joy&Ben! (: She was singing cos there was an open house at NP. She's the woman man, that powerhouse. Her voice was greaaaaat! (: Then we took the facility tour bus back to the business block so we could get to the bus stop. The ambassadors on the bus were like, hawwwt. Both the girl and the guy! Chatted a little with Joy on the bus. Nice little chat there (: All that was lacking was a cuppa TCC coffee and probably a slice of brownie. Okay, on second thoughts, maybe not the brownie but yeah. It was a good release, I don't feel so pent up anymore. True confidantes ♥ Yep. Next week we're gonna present stuff about the China trip to the rest! Quite exciting, actually. I look forward to reliving the togetherness again! Alright, what a lengthy entry. Byebye world!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Edit. RAAAAAAHHH. Words can't depict how exasperated I am right now. Go die go die go die. Me. Maybe I need to focus more on things that make me happy. Cos everything else's biting into me. \Edit.
Shallow. Superficial.
Bumped into Vivian and went home with her (: It was good chatting with her. I really miss the old SC7 times when Vivian, Claudia and I would talk and talk! We were such happy kids then. And we were either mass dieting, or mass pigging. And we were always talking about STUPID things. And we had inexplicable trust in each other. I will write those two a letter soon! Haha anyway Jessica and I are going to renovate our locker tmr! Exciting exciting :D Crashed Chinese to watch My Sassy Girl today. It's a damn cleverly planned movie, I realised, after the analysis provided by the teacher. The intricate details! Oh my. Who said Korean shows were nothing but tear jerkers! :) Today = good hair day. I like.
the I to out eat things make I come tried
Shallow. Superficial.
Bumped into Vivian and went home with her (: It was good chatting with her. I really miss the old SC7 times when Vivian, Claudia and I would talk and talk! We were such happy kids then. And we were either mass dieting, or mass pigging. And we were always talking about STUPID things. And we had inexplicable trust in each other. I will write those two a letter soon! Haha anyway Jessica and I are going to renovate our locker tmr! Exciting exciting :D Crashed Chinese to watch My Sassy Girl today. It's a damn cleverly planned movie, I realised, after the analysis provided by the teacher. The intricate details! Oh my. Who said Korean shows were nothing but tear jerkers! :) Today = good hair day. I like.
the I to out eat things make I come tried
No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.
1 Corinthians 10:13
Very encouraging to read it early in the morning! But sometimes I wonder if God had always let me have it easy because He knew I was damn weak. Okay nevermind, I am going off for school. I must stop this habit of blogging incessantly but it's like my stress outlet. OKAY BYE.
1 Corinthians 10:13
Very encouraging to read it early in the morning! But sometimes I wonder if God had always let me have it easy because He knew I was damn weak. Okay nevermind, I am going off for school. I must stop this habit of blogging incessantly but it's like my stress outlet. OKAY BYE.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
okaaay shit i just came online t say that i orginally wanted t catch the news but then the chinese drama on channel8 got the better of me. havent supported local tv in a looooong time haha. anyway, oh man. zespri kiwis are super nice! i likeee. and i totally blasted my night away by reading the dumb gp package and falling asleep and then waking up trying t read during commercial breaks but then i got distracted. aiyahh excuses laa in other words it just means i havent really read much in the past 2 hours. ahhhhh. my eyelids are droopy but i must complete another piece of work before i sleep! so i wont have t spend my sunday afternn struggling w homework. OKAY BYEBYE GTG. right. take all things in good heart and learn not to impose your views&wants on other people. cos all things happen for a reason.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
today is a nice food day (: chips never tasted so good haha do i sound like a deprived kid? man i think i am. aiyun said something highly positive and encouraging today! she was telling us we shld eat now while we can afford it cos once we enter our twenties our metabolism will drop to an all-time lowwww. and that's bad. WHAT A NICE THOUGHT :DD anyway omg. i must interrogate the person who made the china immersion trip video and like kill him/her after that. WHY DID MY FACE APPEAR SO MANY TIMES IN THE VIDEOOOO. mrt totally went saying i was the star o.o and aiyun and mel began asking me for my autograph -.- RIGHT. silly things aside, im really glad for william that he's got a job! (: like i told him, it's good t see that things are going well for him! God is good (: alrights i cant remember what else t blog about already. oh yeah! tmr there's squash think we'll be running again (: and i'l have a great time laughing at shuwen too :D i think we'll see the soccer j1s doing their rounds. and then i can call joshua leong sickening face again! hahaha. yepppp tmr is wednesday ALREADY! yesyesyes. we're approaching the weekend once again (: may not be going for service though :/ okay la this is getting boring i better go and err. STUDY. disgusting shit.
help, i am heading towards a puddle of mud again.
no, im not really asking for help. im just saying i see a sticky situation ahead.
perhaps i need some sleep t digest this. haha. sometimes i really worry about my future. random. but a woman's shelf life can only last this long, no?
maybe i reaaaaaally need some sleep. byebye. horrible day 1 of the week has finally passed.
no, im not really asking for help. im just saying i see a sticky situation ahead.
perhaps i need some sleep t digest this. haha. sometimes i really worry about my future. random. but a woman's shelf life can only last this long, no?
maybe i reaaaaaally need some sleep. byebye. horrible day 1 of the week has finally passed.
Monday, January 15, 2007
let's just focus on the good things today, okay. i ate my chocolate waffle and almond longan jelly today; i started on my gp package; my long breaks were pretty productive. period. don't even attempt t ask me about the rest. once i start, i'l never stop! raaaah. oh anyway, ive a new found source of motivation for doing work at night (: yes it's good, isn't it? i am a stinky fella i haven't bathed yet. look at the time it's 812. im gna get off soon cos ive got all these t complete:
OH. ive decided i need t go on retail therapy soon so i will save madly t grant myself this sacred therapy (: RIGHT I NEED T GO BATHE NOW MY BROTHER'S OUT OF THE BATHROOM. abundant ♥ to y'all! dearly missed, those whom i haven't seen for the past weeks/months ): text me if you miss me too hahahagp examples book
gp package
photosynthesis essay questions
respiration lecture notes
math tutorial 20
chem skill A task 2 questions
iron clothes
pack bag
Sunday, January 14, 2007

i ♥ these people.
sunday = church = :D went for the first session of DG! although it was only the overview of romans, there seemed alot t learn and all and im pretty excited about it! (: service was good, songs were nice! sing until i damn emo. it's weird but well, it's the sorta thing that starts me thinking la. lunched at pastamania! I FINISHED MY COUNTRY BAKED PASTA. would you like t clap for me? i actually didn't waste any food (: studied w juin and enli after that. pretty productive i'd say, minus the time 'd fallen asleep (AWHILE ONLY OKAY). studied my photosynthesis chapter and got t the essay questions part of tutorial already! YAYE. you know what, school starts again tmr and i dread it madly. maaan, it's STILL january and the lot of us, we were already like, i don'ttttt wna go t schl ): okay la, give me shorter breaks and earlier days and maybe i'll pretend i like schl more. heh.
qiwei ♥ eh i was only kidding when i said i was damn pissed w you laa! i very nice one. REALLY. see you next week JUNIORRRRRR (:
enli ♥ hey babe im alright. maybe im on the verge of being bitten by the emptiness bug. shrugs. but well, schlwork's enough t distract me from all that laa (: schl's starting again in a few hours' time but it's okay we'll pull through the week and soon the weekend will come again!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
hello (: so tell me what's new on a saturday. of course it's food and more food during cg at laoshi's house! heard alot from the others, all the sharing, all the stories. i may look as if im spacing out but i did listen kaee o.o everyone shared so much, so profound that i actually felt guilty with the few lines i muttered. will try harder next time. lazed around after cg w geraldine; chatted w laoshi about random stuff. her phone wallpaper is the pict of frozenflame&zhilin, qiwei and nicholas! oh myyy i was like. surprised and HAPPY (: she loves us sososo much haha. anyway, it was like a nice little catching up session. sortaaa. we haven't spoken ever since alpha camp. im not a very online person if you know me :X
i like cell group cos it keeps me constantly reminded, of many things.
i like cell group cos it keeps me constantly reminded, of many things.
Friday, January 12, 2007
HELLOOO (: rainy days make people emo but that's okayy cos i always have things t make me happy again! like today :D went t venezia w ting after schl and we totally pigged. she ate 3 flavours of icecream while i ate waffle w darkchocolatescoop (: total yum i tell you. then i bought a scone while she got a bretzel (bread version of pretzel) from the bakery in cold storage. ALSO DAMNN NICE. we are pigs laaa. (00) hahaha then we walked around cold storage like aunties an then i saw this nh boy whom i rmbr i used t refer t as 'nice legs' cos i always see him playing soccer. hahaha i think shaorong knows who he is :D anyway, yepp after cold storage we went back t coffeebean t talk for a while more. it was a lovely afternoon (:
TMR IS SATURDAY AND I THINK I'L BE EXERCISING SO THAT'S DOUBLE YAYYY. okay byebye im going t bathe (: tmr got cell group yaye i'l get t see the lovely people again!
TMR IS SATURDAY AND I THINK I'L BE EXERCISING SO THAT'S DOUBLE YAYYY. okay byebye im going t bathe (: tmr got cell group yaye i'l get t see the lovely people again!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
went back t nanhua tdy after schl! actually it was a last minute decision. cos i met ben at the station; we both didn't feel like going home t study; we met cindy neo at the station too and chatted until reena came and we walked t schl. haha like deja vu la, the road back t nanhua. YAYY SHAORONG SZETENG CHIANLIM WERE THERE :DD surrpise surprise! i saw mr pandian but he's damn evil. he totally went like 'eh your face became rounder' omg and leeshaorong totally laughed at me :/ damn bad rightttt omg omg. and then he later went like 'it's a compliment what!' zzz yeah im sure. lol but he still rocks la (: walked around talked to some teachers and even mr foo (cos of ben -.-) mrt-ed home w shaorong (for a stop only laa) smth funny happened but i lazy t elab aha. erm well im just glad that time hasn't eaten up everything so we still can talk t each other comfortably (: reached home at 8. so late right. was a good day cos it's thursday which is a day away from friday which is a day away from WEEKEND. wave your pompoms people (: plus dinner was nice (curry!) and i received a funny call (: okayy i'l stay up late t study cos the day's been pretty not-constructive; was so distracted the whole day i don't know whyyyyy. sigh! anyway who wants t go for love fiesta please tell me! fourone clique, shaorong suggested we shld go for it if we want another gathering soon o.-
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007

read smth in the upper room ytd and i was quite inspired. really, we'll pull through anything with God's love and everything (: NO MORE TEARS. not that it was a really big deal but yeah, well. ive active glandsss.
i polished 100g of chocolate paradise cookies HAHA. apt name; it was just.. YUMMM. i tell you i fell asleep eating and then i woke up and continued eating those cookies. 6: okay stop telling me im a pig. but hey if you really go take a look 100g isn't ALOT whattt.
i already thought of what to eat tmr! DD: im terrible right. i think i'll try the honey waffle cos everyone says it's goodd. and then i think i'll eat fruits too! cos apparently my intestines are not doing the peristalsis thing. or maybe it isnt peristalsis but you get what i mean laa hur.
actually im not sppsed to be here cos ive got tons of homeworks and two upcoming tests on the next two days. shitty hur. IT'S ONLY THE FIFTH DAY OF SCHL OR SMTH. the pop quiz today was kindaa disastrous. but not counted so nvrmind lol. MUST GET A FOR THE NEXT TEST SO I WILL GET A TREAT FROM WILLIAM D:
i am trying.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
hey hello! today i went for service and it was quite good. maybe it's cos of the nice hall laa. but time passed so much faster today than during the usual chapel in schl (: OH VIVIAN AND I WORE B&W STRIPES TODAY! cooliooo. yepp. went for games as well. cabbed there courtesy of zhiyang, tgt w daniel&zhilin (: YAYYY. this week there were so much lesser people i guess, as compared to when i last went :/ or rather, there was a whole swarm of guys waiting t play soccer but like nobody rly wants to ball. so i shot abit of bball and then abit of netball using a bball (if you get what i mean) and then i was abit sad cos i totally went off like crazyyy. hmm then in the middle i alternated btwn monkey and passing and chapteh and captain's ball and laughing at joses fall down madly. and then i left w stephanie and sabrina laaa. WELL. it was good to leave laa. i hate playing mind games sometimes. no, make it all the time. and the only word zhexi says to me is 'BUS'. TSK.
ouch my toes are having cramps or smth. it hurts hurts hurts.
because it pushes me so much to the edge.
because it makes me feel like _____.
because, because, just because.
ouch my toes are having cramps or smth. it hurts hurts hurts.
because it pushes me so much to the edge.
because it makes me feel like _____.
because, because, just because.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Friday, January 05, 2007
friday should be an eat-all-you-want-and-be-happy-day to go along with the TGIF expression, no? anyway, that shall be how each and every friday of mine shall be like: food, smiles and no worries.
yepp. anyway, qiwei taught me this smiley (l: cute hurrrrrh. shall use it more often. haha. school's been pretty alright. long breaks can kill maaaaan. bio lab was better than i thought cos i spent most of the lesson talking and mrt called the whole lot of us grandmothers (cos we had a lot of stories to tell wth). i love lectures now cos i get to see like everyone due to combined lectures. which is good! i think it really makes a difference to like see people you don't usually bump to and then smile and say hi. makes the world a better place doesn't it. oh yeah during pe we had this health talk abt eq and i realised ive super damn low eq laaa. quite sad. but the worse thing was we had our weight taken. bloody hell that was the most depressing day i ever had. okay actually it wasn't that bad i don't rly care alrdy la today's friday rmbr. besides physical conditioning will be pretty hiong again. oh im glad it's still terri chia taking us for pe (: she's open to all types of negotiations and that's just cool. schl ended half an hour earlier cos we finished taking our weight damn fast. haha i was totally screaming when i saw the weight needle reach terminal velocity lol. then terri chia was like. DON'T SCREAM. ooops i guess i cldn't help it. stayed back w aiyun to look at the j1s having orientation as well as the choir doing carols on the 12th day of christmas. niceee i was totally mesmerised. watching the j1s dance the mass dance brought back memories laa. like it's quite funny how noel was my original dance partner and we both were totally messing up the whole dance but look! now he's like an ogl TEACHING the rest how to dance. and seeing sijay dance blackorwhite/pondereplay (cant rmbr which) reminds me of MY OWN orientation laa. on campfire night i danced w sijay in the end hahaha cos noel donno go where alrdy. we were all like crazy people dancing and dancing until eleven i think.
hahaha im blogging incoherently i can't stand it. but well it's the easiest way to put down all my thoughts (even the nittygritties) without leaving anything out. and it's like super wordy but i don't care hahha i don't have pictures on this computer. i hate that my mouse is screweddddd. poopoo.
so would you like to finally tell me why? :/
yepp. anyway, qiwei taught me this smiley (l: cute hurrrrrh. shall use it more often. haha. school's been pretty alright. long breaks can kill maaaaan. bio lab was better than i thought cos i spent most of the lesson talking and mrt called the whole lot of us grandmothers (cos we had a lot of stories to tell wth). i love lectures now cos i get to see like everyone due to combined lectures. which is good! i think it really makes a difference to like see people you don't usually bump to and then smile and say hi. makes the world a better place doesn't it. oh yeah during pe we had this health talk abt eq and i realised ive super damn low eq laaa. quite sad. but the worse thing was we had our weight taken. bloody hell that was the most depressing day i ever had. okay actually it wasn't that bad i don't rly care alrdy la today's friday rmbr. besides physical conditioning will be pretty hiong again. oh im glad it's still terri chia taking us for pe (: she's open to all types of negotiations and that's just cool. schl ended half an hour earlier cos we finished taking our weight damn fast. haha i was totally screaming when i saw the weight needle reach terminal velocity lol. then terri chia was like. DON'T SCREAM. ooops i guess i cldn't help it. stayed back w aiyun to look at the j1s having orientation as well as the choir doing carols on the 12th day of christmas. niceee i was totally mesmerised. watching the j1s dance the mass dance brought back memories laa. like it's quite funny how noel was my original dance partner and we both were totally messing up the whole dance but look! now he's like an ogl TEACHING the rest how to dance. and seeing sijay dance blackorwhite/pondereplay (cant rmbr which) reminds me of MY OWN orientation laa. on campfire night i danced w sijay in the end hahaha cos noel donno go where alrdy. we were all like crazy people dancing and dancing until eleven i think.
hahaha im blogging incoherently i can't stand it. but well it's the easiest way to put down all my thoughts (even the nittygritties) without leaving anything out. and it's like super wordy but i don't care hahha i don't have pictures on this computer. i hate that my mouse is screweddddd. poopoo.
so would you like to finally tell me why? :/
Thursday, January 04, 2007
hey there. pretty pointless day, if you ask me. was feeling pretty tired though i slept quite early last night :/ anyway today was the day of lectures and all. i finally paid attention until math when i struggled to keep awake. i was like, hungry and tired. and then after math i polished a bowl of CHICKEN MACARONI SOUP. i kindaa love school food (: my long break was spent chatting and more chatting, with the gsc people and then with huizhen&ting the two partners-in-crime who never fail to suan me like hell. had a short talk with juin hahaha. oh i told the story of THE BROKEN TOOTH to huizhen! damn funny :DD oh timothy came back to ac today! got the hugest shock of my life maaaan. i thought he was in the states but he posed as an ac student and came back. omggg right! but nice surprise laa. and then i went home with aiyun (: cleared my bowels and i'm feeling happy now. it's quite a good start laa, i mean. i kinda like the feeling of paying attention in class and like, knowing that i've work to do so i won't spend my time lazing around. yep. but still i spend my time thinking about USELESS THINGS. zzz. it kindaa really sucks, gut feelings and such. it's like i can't even differentiate paranoia and the blatant truth anymore.
sensitive trigger.
more&more people are telling me they saw one of the many UNGLAM shots of mine (the one eating dumplings like a pig) on the display board with all our BEIJING IMMERSION TRIP photos. THANKS AHH.
sensitive trigger.
more&more people are telling me they saw one of the many UNGLAM shots of mine (the one eating dumplings like a pig) on the display board with all our BEIJING IMMERSION TRIP photos. THANKS AHH.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Hello (: First day of school went by pretty fast. It was admittedly good. I got to see all the lovely sunshines! Yeap. Met XiaoJie to go to school AS USUAL ((: Felt good after mia-ing in each others' lives for so so long. Went around talking to different people during break today (: Feels really good seeing all the faces again; didn't seem as bad as I predicted it to be. Squash was unexpectedly thumbs up as well! I didn't lose my strokes so I guess I am pretty ALRIGHTTTT. The coach was like 'eh I haven't seen you for FOUR months!' Ooops. Anyway, it was great laaaa. Cos there's Clarice and Shuwen! :DD I will make them appear with me for the next squash lesson hahaha. Ohoh. We changed our Math and GP tutors. I will never dare to pon Math tutorials again :X But I'm glad she's taking us this year cos I got her for first three months and she was good! GP tutor was FUNNAYE. I didn't stop laughing for the whole lesson :DD ANYWAY, manymany juniors came to AC for first three months! JiaJing KahHwee YingQiu Michelle ShaunQuek WeiJie Christina Elaine Adeline and errr. more! Haha, can't remember already. Tried to crash Orientation but I gave up laaa. So extraaaaa right. ALOT of j3s came back posing as newbies. Hmm.
It's like an abyss.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
shanghai was horrible; i shan't bother to elaborate (YET) but anyway. it's 2007 already! thankyou zhiyang silas shin xinqian onwin reuben joshua yeongchyn juin wilbert pearlyn jian yang haoting xueyuan for smsing! (: LOVE. not alot of people but still, greatly appreciated! it feels really good to be surrounded by this sense of familiarity in a foreign land. (: yeap. anyway i don't feel like blogging anymore so here's a photo! HE IS DAMN CUTE RIGHTT. i swear i'm so paedo but i think he just makes people melttttttt (: and i'm waiting for more picts of him! haha shit, i must emphasise again, i'm no paedophile laa. and btw, this is zhexi's cousin yeap.

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