Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Meeting Jessica later to collect the photocopied comprehension passages. Thanks woman! :D Should I con her into taking neoprints again? HAHA. I should go bathe now. And I should start exercising soon o.o My last gym visit was.. LAST FRIDAY? Actually I can't really remember. But nevermind! Let's all go exercising before cell next time okay! Couldn't make it last Saturday :/
Lovelove to the world. Yay, shopping trip with my mummy tomorrow! To buy undergarments HAHAHA I bet everyone's cringing right now DD: Oops.
I will:
- do the comprehensions tonight
- find pictures for the OP powerpoint slides
- watch my trashy shows on YouTube (:
What a rubbishy to-do list :O
\ ;Edit
What a mad rush it was. At 5 15pm I decided to get my lazy butt moving and start skipping. A little into my skipping I realised my phone was making sounds again, which means I had unread messages. Turned out Jessica was leaving school already!! Panicked panicked. Lol. Rushed off to the train station, brisk walking like an AUNTIE all the way o.o So maluating. Reached Jurong East, thank goodness I wasn't late, even earlier! :D Woo. Jessica reached Jurong East station shortly after. Thanks girl for the stuff again! Haha, can't thank you enough, literally. Stupid me forgot to bring money to return her :O Reached home, continued with my low intensity workout (if it's even considered working out). Haha did some skipping some hula hooping and some cycling on that machine. After everything when I thought I could get a nice long bath I saw the washing machine warranty card lying on the table smiling at me! Yeah no surprises, I forgot to mail it on my way out. So I went out again to mail the warranty card -.- Been a busy bee all the way until 6.40pm lol :/
Overheard something on the train and it wasn't all that flattering, I think. I don't look like a Sec 2, can't you see I'm wearing the ACJC collegiate tee? The hair clip DID serve a purpose, it's just that the clump of hair that it was supposed to keep in place fell all over (was rushing remember?). I wish your eyes will rot and die! Zzz.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Cell was great; many people turned up! We talked over tea, as usual, and we had a good laugh over Jiafa Laoshi's story about his ex-girlfriend! :DDD It's so true, too much dependence is never a good thing; too much wallowing in self pity is never healthy. I must learn to see that some things ARE okay even at that point of time I feel like the sky is falling and I'm going to die o.- Heh heh. Oh, I always always have no prayer requests until a while after cell when I remember that actually I do have one o.o I told you my brain functions too slowly, or did I? Okay nevermind, now I'm telling you.
I've been wanting to get a pair of shades but I can's seem to find any suitable pair, only because my face is round like a FULL MOON and I don't seem to look good in any shades. Screams. A round face is so traumatising and fat. I should put my face on the Flabelos machine and let the vibrations of the machine tone my face, 30 minutes every gym session. Then, I bet you'll see me with a MUSCULAR face in just a month! (: Cool stuff!
To make up for my being unfillial for letting my mum's birthday (27Oct) pass like any other normal day, I offered to pay for anything my mum had her eye on (must be affordable, lah). She couldn't find anything to her fancy, probably because she has fallen in love with those higher-end goods at departmental stores :/ Tai-tai taste, maybe. In the end, I bought a top myself, which was so out of point because it was supposed to be my mum doing the shopping. But still, I like the top muchies; it's sleeveless and strapless but not exactly a tube :/ Lol. It hides killer fats and that works to the advantage of flabby people like me! Yes, it does.
I love food. I hate exercising, but call me out for a workout anyway. Casts sideway glance at Enli. Haha, Miss Gym Coordinator :D I need some serious motivation man.
Last thing: My twin bought the watch I wanted to get! :O
Friday, October 27, 2006
i will buy my mum's present SOON.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
quite.. eventful (: haha. no, it wasnt all that good, dont get it wrong :/
collected results early in the morning. haha. lousy like shit. then i looked at huizhen's results. damn good. aiyun's too. cherilyn's not bad. i think im always the stupid one. we play together during class every day but i will always be the one doing badly lol. last time in sec 3 sat beside juin we kept playing a fool in class and even slept blatantly during chemistry, but then no surprises, juin still produced all the straight As. rahrah. oh everyone in class got promoted/ advanced! (: happyhappy. mr tan said smth which kinda struck me. smth about someone who got advanced eventually even though she was kinda sure she'l be retained. 'you dont find Him, He also help you.' (yes he is quite singlish and the girl's a christian, though not a staunch one.) such is the greatness of God (:
slacked in the void deck w food and more bullying from the girls before huizhen and i reluctantly went to the computer lab to do PW powerpoint presentation. haha. we were quite efficient actually. finished it in a jiffy. sort of. haha. then we started playing destructomatch. yeah it's a neopets game. AND THE FREAKING SOUND WAS ON. so embarrassing. oh she was trying to go watch wei xiao pasta also cos she saw it in my nick and she was convinced it's a lousy taiwan show :/ thankgoodness the you tube page NEVER loaded -.-
then came the oral presentation dry run. with us being super unprepared. the good news was our ST said we were all generally good speakers, just need to work out a script cos we were all stammering. haha. yay! (: for a presentation never rehearsed, never prepared properly, i was contented w how i did. haha. thank goodness im blessed w a rahrah loud voice! oh you know during the presentation while jinghui presented, huizhen and i sat at the laptop toggling w the slides lah. then we got a little restless and started pretending we were taking neoprints! haha we got damn high we really did all the stupid poses. she's damn funny i tell you. then during the presentation i kept getting TOO excited thus accidentally jumping slides again and again :X
after the dry run was time for file submission. and then we realised HUIZHEN'S I&R WAS MISSING. got me so worried and guilty cos afterall i was the one whol handled her stuff while she wasnt in schl. was quite sure i handed everything to the ST but somehow it got LOST. so yeah she went home to print and i was like. shitshitshit. felt so so bad even though i feel it's not exactly my fault. not just my fault anyway. yeah. and then there was bio spa at 3 and she wasnt back even at 245. rang her a zillion times and i couldnt reach her so i was totally :O but luckily she came back at close to 3. and said she ate a waffle and played guitar before she came to schl again -.- wth worried for nth but glad all was fine (:
bio spa was ... quite difficult in the sense we've never done anything like that before. shrugs it's over i dont wna think about it anymore lah haha :/ lets focus on post-bio spa. our invigilator was quite nice (: it's xiaojie's form teacher and the one who sided me when two of her boys (whom i knew from squash) kept calling me LYDIA (yeah quite -.- i know) during the frisbee interclass. she made hongngiap collect the used paper haha. went to the holding room. scrutinised our class picts. actually it was taken quite nicely lah (: i look weird but it's one of the better-looking weird pictures lol. like the one me mel and cherilyn took at the urinals. was so freaked out by those yellow stains but yeah. played 'go, jump, back' or smth liddat. cant rmbr what name alrdy. noel was damn funny he kept saying all the wrong numbers.
when it was time to leave aiyun lost one of her photos and we had to go back to the lt to search for it. tried to lock her into the pitch dark room but she escaped through another door. -.- lol then aiyun and i went to search for my thumbdrive that she forgot to pluck off the computer after using. cldnt find it in the lab, thought it was lost. then we went GO and i saw my ugly thumbdrive jutting out among the piles of keys calculators and more! so lucky (: then took 74 with her and she was damn crazy chasing me around trying to take photos of my beautiful face. weird stuff. and she kept calling me sexy cos in one of the pictures i had my butt jutted out to one side -.- wth right!
yay so that was how the last day of school went, and even though we kept losing things we found it all in the end, somehow. so yeah, the day wrapped up a smile on everyone's face (:
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
- i love 微笑 pasta. it's so cute (:
- completed my i&r! now it's OP :/ dreads PW.
- my eyes are dying been at the computer for a few hours w my lenses on it's killing my eyes!
- havent ironed my uniform aaaaaah. i think drawstring is damn troublesome but it'l be worse if i try tucking in so forget it.
- when is school finally ending?
- must charge my ipod and add 微笑 pasta OST inside haha.
- gymed today but had no motivation to run lol. tried the oto flabelos machine and wth that machine shakes every ounce of your fat w might o.- was so traumatised after that.
- maybe, just maybe, im not that prejudiced against guys and love anymore.
coincidentally on purpose.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
- i&r draft.
- complete zuo wen.
- read chinese articles.
- iron clothes.
it was so tiring doing window shopping today. as in, we went suntec and walked through the entire mall aimlessly kae. suntec is a lousy place :/ then we went starbucks to sip some coffee. i still prefer tcc's though. told my mum about the coolio starbucks mug they sell and she told me it was so not cool at all -.- and then we cabbed to paragon. walked walked walked, then walked to heeren, walked walked walked again. then finally cabbed back to where we parked the car. my fat legs were breaking under my immense weight and plus i was on stupid heels i almost died. rahrahh. oh when i was in paragon i was wondering if i should get a crumpler. i used to think it was too common and expensive but suddenly i can imagine myself carrying one. weird, innit. i change my mind so easily -.o but anyway, yeah. it will eat into my savings, so im seriously wondering if i should get it. tell me tell me if i should!
let's make a deal.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006

hello all. so today was the most encouraging day i had i think. everything was smooth sailing and im really thankful for that. written report submission went on peacefully. i was so proud of that two booklets and the cd when everything was completed. hours of late nights and eye bags like reservoirs (according to bobo -.-), countless consultations and incomplete meetings online and off, dreadful pw lessons we always get tempted to skip. alas, it's coming to an end very soon, with only i&r as well as oral presentation :D which i think will be not as dry and all that. yayy (:
then comes the release of results. i am quite contented cos i passed everything. but i know my math grade came undeserved. we'l just pray hard that the math papers for our class will be found eh. so everyone can get what they really deserved. i wont mind getting a lousy grade; it seems so much better than living in snide glances whenever the topic' s on how unfair it is for those who gained from this whole fiasco. ting and i were talking about it. i suppose it all depends on how we look at it.
reached home tired and sleepy, emotionally drained. maybe it's the heavy feeling that's been lifted so suddenly that i still cant get used to it? i dont know. made for the green party, wore some faded green top cos i thought it was mandatory that we wore smth green. juin told me to wear green anw. in the end he wore white -.- so there was food, it felt greeeeeen everywhere (: i like. there was this pass the parcel thing and i kena for smth but luckily it was quite easy. then a few performances here and there; some were super funny. actually i felt somewhat weird, cos like, i dont really know anyone there but at the same time i dont wna stick to juin 24/7 too. i guess it takes time. maybe i take too long to warm up :/ then nice jiafa laoshi sent me home (: crapped with him on the way he's damn full-of-nonsense haha. reached home in a jiffy!
ohoh tmr gna gym with ms. macho enli and possibly gabrielle! if she turns up la. she's damn funny she ran up the stairs and then told enli she exercised already, thus donnid to go for the gym session. lol. yepyep. tmr's the start of a healthy lifestyle man! (: maybe after tmr I WILL START RUNNING. and then i can shake off all my fats and be trim and fit and unfat! (: then i will look nice, like a human in clothes, and not a barrel -.-
sleepy. okay, till then (: lovelove!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
nevertheless, today was still a good day. kinda celebrating the fact that i passed my bio. i passed my gsc too. so that's one h2 and one h1 down. it'l be a miracle if i pass another h2 cos that means i'l get PROMOTED. but i'l just settle for another h1 pass (is gp considered an h1?) or an h2 subpass (chem/math) so i'l be ADVANCED (and thus have to prepare for another exam slated in jan 2007). shrugs- i guess i cant thank God enough for my pass in bio already, and of course my wonderful cell mates and jiafa laoshi, for praying for me. and so, i suppose i can safely say im contented. will be crossing my fingers come friday, we'l see how it goes :/
went to bugis w ting and melmel after pw. or rather, 20 min before pw ended. we left illegally. stayed there from 12 to 5.30pm, went to bugis street for the first time in my life. haha. had fun there, it was one of the better outings ive had since the pizza hut meal w my chummies (: i guess it took my mind off the dreadful results thing, and im so determined to enjoy while i can before all the restrictions start piling up when my results are out :/
so yeah, tmr i'l be going to schl cos there's gsc and i dont wna miss that, having seen my horrible promos results. will be meeting qixin at 3plus for her promised tour of np :D and maybe the possible prospect of having an eye feast! yeah. i just hope my mummy doesnt like, scream at me for like, going out often or smth. like, she totally was being sarcastic about me going to bugis but aiyah. she thought i went there for fun so i think i can understand. i was lazy to explain to her that the whole results shit was very traumatising so yeah. okay let's stop talking about results.
i think some weird things are happening but let's hope it just happens my intuition is telling me the wrong things.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006

i want to buy all that! but some are not in stores, some are way beyond what i'l like to spend. SHRUGS-
went out with jessica today! lol. i am lazy to tell you what happened. walked around far east and she got this bear handphone accessory which she was super happy about, judging by the amount of squeals the bear triggered in her o.- haha. she is one damn indecisive shopper man, ive met my match. lol. didnt find exactly nice clothes, so retail therapy attempt #2 failed. lol. im a lousy shopper. haha. tmr's ac open house. dont know if im turning up. got no duties anyway and ive persuaded boongoon to not go. shit im damn evil. haha. gotta prepare upper room sharing for tmr's cell i better not forget if not im dead. haha. oh yeah ive always wanted to say this but kept forgetting. when my blog counter reaches 3000 there'l be a deluge of photos to celebrate this happy occasion. haha (:
been sleeping early, waking up early. good, good. i can see my eyebags disappearing and my skin condition improving. now it's only the fats.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

from the show (:
tmr's games day! yay yay yay. bet i cant run around anymore cos my stamina's like hell now. havent run for ages. i bet the frisbee's gna get sweeped above my head before i even have a chance to lay my hands on it. and i bet im gna get hit by the captain's ball o.- butbutbut. it's okay i'l still look forward to it! (: there's a service and stinking pw tmr. yucksyucksyucks. but the funny thing is huizhen cant find any excuse to skip pw LOL.
oh and then im gna visit qixin at ngeeann next wed! pray nth crops us man. im already anticipating it quite abit. (: yay can see all the ngeeann-nh people! and maybe try their food too. (: happyhappy. i almost wanted to go tmr when i rmbred she's no schl until next week. graaah.
i must get past that dreamy weepy stage im quite disgusted at myself.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
im hooked to the korean show its nicenicenicenicenice. haha the guy is so sweet to the girl! (: perhaps such perfect relationships will only happen in shows eh. (: the show has many variations to its english title. haha it's also called princess hours. but i think goong is korean spelt in english. okay nevermind. i just like the show alot haha. i like to dream.
qixin: hey you. im rly glad you're sharing all these with me. maybe i can feel what you're going through, maybe i can provide my most sincere opinions and innermost thoughts, but all these, i hope, will not affect your view on anything okay. i know myself for one that my mindset is warped now; i rly condemn relationships and love at this age more than i should. because i truly believe that i will be happier without it. but it's different for you, maybe you're meeting the nicest people ever around yeah so bad things dont happen that easily. i know how hard it is for you now with that tag screwing your whole world upside down all of a sudden, how far you've come with that determination to finally let everything be a precious memory, how strong you've been trying to fight the haunting memories, how you're learning to accept new people into your life, and how a mere tag could have that power to mess things up. at situations like these i know you're feeling bad inside even though you try to joke with us and laugh along with us. you may be strong around others but just wna let you know that you can keep that brave front for a while, when im around, alright? i'l always be around to listen if you need okay. i'l lend you my shoulder and we can weep together (okay i'l weep for you since im so much more of a crybaby than you) (: we're all going through tough times at some point in our lives and this time i wna be there for you. so if you ever need, i'l drop by your house it's only three bus stops away. haha then we'l cook tgt (no, you'l cook in the end :DD) and then we'l sit down and do rubbish. maybe we'l kara the day away. but anyway my point is, I'L BE THERE! (: and so will many others. maybe like me, you'l find that the love all of us give to you is enough to fill that empty feeling in your heart. for now, anyway. haha. love you babe. we'l go through this together, like always. okay? you deserve a big bear hug from me! haha.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
anyway, im watching this wonderful korean show, goong, or 宫 in chinese. haha. it's quite nice!(: good for passing time im actually quite bored at home o.o but tmr is wonderful family day! we're gna lunch tgt and do some shopping. yes, my long awaited retail therapy (: you know, like every sunday when we go shopping, window or not, we'l always spend some money somehow. sometimes its on some coffee and muffins on a lazy afternn, other times clothes and the works. maybe it's an extravagant lifestyle, some people may think. but looking at it from another perspective, if it brings the whole family together, and make more laughs be heard from each other, then i think it's well worth the price. it's rly warming to know that it is no longer a farfetched dream to have a closer, cosier little family.
oh haha. and then there's the steamboat! it was sppsed to be bbq o.o skrewwww the bloody haze kae. it's totally killing me ive been sneezing and coughing ever since the darned thing. and i cant sleep in aircon cos it leaves me with a bad runny nose the next morning (but i still switch it on anyway o.o). i bet the lifespan of our generation will be shortened by 10 years with all that inhalation of second-hand smoke, haze, CO emissions and what not. and then we'l get respiratory problems, bronchitis, fatigue, dizziness, or even death! ha, too much organic chem -.-
promos are over but GSC A'Level and PW are still on the to-do list. dreadsdreadsdreads. my chinese leaves much to be desired i feel so embarrassed when people STILL think that im some pro billingual shit because of my o's grades but that's just an inaccurate measure yeah. especially ayong he's damn irritating his chinese is damn zai, he's laoshi's pet in class, he never fails to whip up a compo of at least 45/50, he's always with his own well-developed argument when we talk about current affairs, his choice of compo questions always revolves around the chim tough topics about the rising china and india and all that stuff o.o BUT. BUT BUT BUT. HE ACTUALLY TOLD ME HIS STD IS DROPPING AND HE'S DEMORALISED AND THIS HAPPENED EVEN WHEN LAOSHI ASSURED HIM HE'S STILL GOOD AS EVER. gosh, people nowadays overstretch themselves, i feel. ambitious, or high flier, you say?
Friday, October 06, 2006
when i walked home w kryst just now, she was saying smth about everyone going out w their family, friends or lover today cos it's the end of promos. made me o.o for a while. as in, at times like these i always have this strange 'what if' chain of thoughts in my head. yup, but nope, no regrets whatsoever. life the way it is now is kinda good. what ting said is right actually. she was saying sometimes you wont think about relationships, only because the love people around you show is enough to fill up the space. or maybe it's just the yearning that's changed. we all yearn for different things in different phases of our lives. it used to be relationships in secondary schl, but now it's.. i dont know. just, no more relationships. bad experiences kill everything huh. shrugs i dont care anymore maybe i should fall in love with girls perhaps things'l be so much better. okay no i was just joking im not turning les. it was just a thought. aah. anyway bet im some bloody no lifer everyone's out celebrating post-promos while im at home. not a bad thing, im so tired and weary and i have no appetite. i cant believe myself too. maybe monday i'l start planning to go out again (: retail therapy, here i come! yesyesyes. lotsa dates pending, i love my friends. and yay old friends' bbq on sunday! (: at pearlywhirly's house! I AM GNA WEAR THE SAME PUMA RACER like last year at steamboat dinner, courtesy of pearl's house too (: man i miss everyone AGAIN.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
jessica i think i might just have discovered my veryvery first eye candy in schl! *hinthint. refers to the conversation on monday, on our way home. ((:
that aside, ive been doing pretty badly for promos. so bad, that i'l give a huge hug to everyone i love (and hate) if i find myself promoted. but oh well, guess i just gotta grin and bear with it till it's over. only THREE more days! of terror. goshh it seems like im slacking even more when i dont have my papers, like how i was reading today instead of mugging for chem and bio. but anyways, mr perfect by linda howards is quite an entertaining read, i must say. sexy book, but very thrilling plot. haha (: thankyou jinghui for that recommendation! haha kept me occupied and happy the whole afternoon.
i love that my hair's finally grown out of its ripped-off phase (:
many little things in life to be happy about! sometimes they outweigh the pitfalls, other times they dont. okay what kinda rubbish am i uttering. that was like damn obvious o.o haha, sometimes the pure thought of the meal dates im gna have with my favourite people is enough to keep me going and smiling. and of course, seeing some people in school might add to it too.
i must indulge in a team sport soon and stop sinking into my current mode (of accepting my own triglycerides) it's quite bad and not motivating at all. the thing with our class is that we always organise FOOD outings, not PLAY outings. maybe i'll go sentosa with xiaojie one day (finally) and maybe the rest of the netball gang! yeah man. then maybe we'll immerse ourselves in a day of tanning, ball games and more (: and then at the end of the day we'll all be tanned, flushed and looking good! (i wish)
but right now i gotta return to earth and continue taking my promos.
is it just confidence, or is it a matter of thinking too highly of one's self?
is it just nonchalance, or is it a way of not facing reality?
i think im the latter.
love to all!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
all the kids i know, you all rock.
reminds me of the song loserkid by busted.
it's quite nice hahaha. you get sucked into the song.
ive been feeling damn fat all these days but life still goes on and i still need food.
BUT. lo and behold what's coming up after promos:
- the intensive shopping trips on heels
- ac games
- ballgames in schl maybe?
- self initiated exercise if i can be bothered to. lol.
good enough reasons to continue eating and balloon, isnt it? (:
dont you realise we'l never be the same again