hello all. so today was the most encouraging day i had i think. everything was smooth sailing and im really thankful for that. written report submission went on peacefully. i was so proud of that two booklets and the cd when everything was completed. hours of late nights and eye bags like reservoirs (according to bobo -.-), countless consultations and incomplete meetings online and off, dreadful pw lessons we always get tempted to skip. alas, it's coming to an end very soon, with only i&r as well as oral presentation :D which i think will be not as dry and all that. yayy (:
then comes the release of results. i am quite contented cos i passed everything. but i know my math grade came undeserved. we'l just pray hard that the math papers for our class will be found eh. so everyone can get what they really deserved. i wont mind getting a lousy grade; it seems so much better than living in snide glances whenever the topic' s on how unfair it is for those who gained from this whole fiasco. ting and i were talking about it. i suppose it all depends on how we look at it.
reached home tired and sleepy, emotionally drained. maybe it's the heavy feeling that's been lifted so suddenly that i still cant get used to it? i dont know. made for the green party, wore some faded green top cos i thought it was mandatory that we wore smth green. juin told me to wear green anw. in the end he wore white -.- so there was food, it felt greeeeeen everywhere (: i like. there was this pass the parcel thing and i kena for smth but luckily it was quite easy. then a few performances here and there; some were super funny. actually i felt somewhat weird, cos like, i dont really know anyone there but at the same time i dont wna stick to juin 24/7 too. i guess it takes time. maybe i take too long to warm up :/ then nice jiafa laoshi sent me home (: crapped with him on the way he's damn full-of-nonsense haha. reached home in a jiffy!
ohoh tmr gna gym with ms. macho enli and possibly gabrielle! if she turns up la. she's damn funny she ran up the stairs and then told enli she exercised already, thus donnid to go for the gym session. lol. yepyep. tmr's the start of a healthy lifestyle man! (: maybe after tmr I WILL START RUNNING. and then i can shake off all my fats and be trim and fit and unfat! (: then i will look nice, like a human in clothes, and not a barrel -.-
sleepy. okay, till then (: lovelove!
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